School trip to an art exhibition and Ocean Kinetics

On Wednesday P5,6,7 went to an art exhibition at the mareel. We watched a film about people’s collections and what they collect. Whalsay and Aith primary school drew what we collected and that is now at the cafĂ© bar at the mareel. After we finished at the mareel we went to the sixteen exhibition and they put posters up about peoples lives at sixteen. When looking at the sixteen exhibition we went to have lunch at islesburgh.

When we finished having our lunch, we went to Ocean Kinetics and looked at what everybody’s jobs were. Most of us liked the plasma cutter. The plasma cutter is when they cut the metal into anything. You had to wear special goggles or it would hurt your eyes.

When we finished up at Ocean Kinetics we went to the playpark then we went back to school.

By Alisha and Gene