Our exciting week

This week we had a visit from Jon Pritikin. Jon Pritikin is a motivational speaker and body builder from California. He rolled up a frying pan and snapped the handle off. He also picked up Sadie and Ashley with a steal rod. Then he told us a sad story about a boy who couldn’t speak and got bullied At the end he revealed that he was the little boy who got bullied. Then to finish of he bent the steal rod in his mouth.

On Wednesday we had all the Secondary’s make cakes for the afternoon teas. They even had gluten free cakes.

On Thursday we had a trip to the Aith Peat hill with Mr. Garrick. We were raising the peats into jenga towers. Geordie got really messy. He was up there until home time. He was determined to finish digging and casting peats.

On that same day Mr Lei after being with us for two years and it was time for him to leave, so we gathered in the dining hall to say goodbye to him. We will miss him and we have loved having him here teaching mandarin and Chinese culture.  By Charlie and Willum.

Image result for Jon Pritikin

This is Jon Pritikin.



The sun might not have been shining, but the weather did not hamper excitement from the pupils in primary 1 and 2 today, as they set off on their day out to Burra.

Our brilliant bus driver George, assisted by some very knowledgeable navigators in the front seat, drove us to Burra and firstly dropped us off at ‘The Hen Hoose’ where Wendy runs her Burra Bears business from.  She showed us inside her workshop, all the knitwear and fabrics she uses to make the bears and also the processes required for the finished product.  We saw the 3 different sizes of bears she makes and we collected Mrs Moffat’s bear she had had made.

Next, we walked over to ‘The Outpost’ where Margaret met us and we got to see emus, tortoises, goats, rabbits, pigs and wallabies.  We got to feed the animals and the bairns were highly amused at how the goats and pigs fought over the food.

We then followed Margaret to the Bridge End Hall where we enjoyed our packed lunches and had time for games and free play.

George then drove us to Bannamin beach where we spent a lovely afternoon paddling in the sea (brrrr!), finding interesting objects, climbing up among the big stones and playing on the beach.  After a fair amount of “de-sanding” our feet, we got packed up and headed back to the bus.

We had a super day in Burra and would like to say special thanks to George, Margaret Inskster and our helpers Julie, Caroline, Jacqui, Catherine and Carla.






School trip to an art exhibition and Ocean Kinetics

On Wednesday P5,6,7 went to an art exhibition at the mareel. We watched a film about people’s collections and what they collect. Whalsay and Aith primary school drew what we collected and that is now at the café bar at the mareel. After we finished at the mareel we went to the sixteen exhibition and they put posters up about peoples lives at sixteen. When looking at the sixteen exhibition we went to have lunch at islesburgh.

When we finished having our lunch, we went to Ocean Kinetics and looked at what everybody’s jobs were. Most of us liked the plasma cutter. The plasma cutter is when they cut the metal into anything. You had to wear special goggles or it would hurt your eyes.

When we finished up at Ocean Kinetics we went to the playpark then we went back to school.

By Alisha and Gene