
This term, secondary 1 pupils are coming through each Monday to visit primary 1 and 2 pupils to share story-sacks with them.  This involves reading and listening to stories, playing games, making jigsaws, using puppets and toys and other activities relevant to the story-sack theme.

Primary 1 and 2 pupils are thoroughly enjoying the older children coming through and secondary 1 pupils are doing a fantastic job of sharing the story-sacks with the younger pupils.


P1/2 made hog houses

We used guidance from the RSPB on how to make a ‘hog house’ for hedgehogs then split the class into 2 groups.  Each group designed and made their house.

We needed to make the box waterproof, make a door for hedgehogs to get in and out, thought of a name for each house then designed pictures and signs to go on the house.

We carried the houses up next to the den among the trees and put a weight on top so they didn’t blow away.  We finally filled the hog homes with straw to keep hedgehogs warm and dry while they sleep.

We thought they looked pretty good and we can’t wait to see if any hedgehogs come to stay in them!


Our Week Week 3

This week in maths we made a scale drawing of a theme park.

We learned about Edward Jenner who worked out how that having cow pox meant you could not get small pox. We also learned you can fit 1 million bacteria on a pin head and 1 million viruses in a bacteria.

We started the daily rigour which is solving math problems from the news. We do the daily rigour every week.

In PE we have started doing badminton.

This week in library we learned how to use RB digital with is a online website that you can request books from the Shetland library, you can get all sorts of books and read them on your device.

By Ruby and Regan