Another brilliant week at Aith Junior High!

Hopefully everyone enjoyed meeting the author John Hegley. I am sure. It was brilliant fun watching him, asking questions and every thing else. He also sang P5/6/7 a brilliant poem.

P6/7 have been cross stitching with wonderful Mrs Fraser. We have been making Chinese calanders and we put a pig on it because it is going to be the year of the pig next year in China.

By Geordie and Oliver P6



Children In Need Day

On Friday we had a few activities to raise money for Children In Need. There was a bran tub, duck sweepstake and that was sort of like a raffle and the prize was a Pudsey teddy that had a Color in shirt and there was a giant Pudsey drawing that we covered with coins. There were also Pudsey nail stickers. Everyone had lots of fun and we were extremely lucky that we got a visit from Pudsey. By Liam and Oliver

Cross Stitching

P6/7 were Cross Stitching with Mrs Fraser and a secondary pupil.
We were Cross Stitching for the year of the pig as our topic is Modern China. It will be our calendar for next year. We really enjoyed it even though sometimes a few people made mistakes and have not finished them yet and are looking forward to continuing them next week.
By Liam & Edyn