Week 6 – Primary 1 Learning Blog

We have learned about Frisky 5.  It was a peerie bit tricky to write but we did lots of practice and got very good at writing it.

We played ‘Splat’ with all the sounds that we have learned so far.

We watched a DVD about the clock face.

We were doing gymnastics and rolling with Mrs Redfern then we played islands.  It was fun.

We have enjoyed playing in the sandpit, the wooden blocks, the hospital, making a skeleton on the carpet and playing with the clocks.

Next week we want to learn some new sounds and the next number in Number Zoo which is Snappy Six!

We are looking forward to staying all day at school.


Super Movers

On Friday we watched Super Movers live lesson it was about shapes , symmetry, area, width and length.

First we did a weird 5 times table dance.

We worked in pairs and one of us had to freeze in what ever way and the other one had to copy. This helped us to practice mirror symmetry.

We had to draw really hard shapes and mirror them.

It was really fun.

Hope you have a good day.

By Ashley and Evie

Primary 1, week 4 (b)log

What have you learned this week?

“We learned about I and p.  We made pink pigs.”

“We learned about Butterfly 3 and made rainbow 3s.”

What have you enjoyed this week?

“I loved the sausages for dinner.”

“I enjoyed playing with the flour in the tuff tray.”

“I enjoyed playing with the animals in the sand.”

“We enjoyed P.E. with Mrs Redfern and music with Mrs MacKenzie.”

What will we do next week?

“We are looking forward to staying at school all day today and going home on the bus.”

Next week we will learn about number 4 and the next letter.


This week we learned about mummification. It was pretty disgusting. First they sliced a slice in the left side of the dead body. First they would take out the lung, heart and the stomach and put them in jars. Then they would stuff the body with leaves and sand. After that they would wrap up the body with a special type of cloth. Then they would have a funeral and put the body in the coffin. The cloth was called linen.


By Evie and Robert have a good day.

Mummy crafts

Primary 6/7 has been making the 2D mummy coffins.

We had a plain blue piece of paper, then we added a smaller sheet of gold paper on top so it was like a blue frame around the gold then, we had precut mummies that we had to decorate and add a lot of detail and stick that on. We used paper straws and we could use any pen, pencil or paint it we also used some left over gold and blue paper.


by Evie and Ashley hope you have a good day!