This week we have enjoyed writing using Viking Runes, playing in the galley boat, making clay Viking Longhouses, watching ‘Gudrun: The Viking Princess’ and drawing and painting Viking people.


We have been learning about length and measurement, practising all the phonics we have learned so far, making a toy with Mr Rose which required elastic energy and sharing storysacks with the secondary pupils.

Finally, today we held our toy sale in class.  We were really busy organising for the sale and helping set up the class with assistance from Primary 6.  The sale was a huge success and we raised £132.20.

Our week!

This week primary 7 went to Mrs Mercer’s room with secondary 3 to make a questionair about social media, also primary 6 are carrying on with their EU topic with Mr Balfour for the competition in Lerwick. Primary 3-7 got new equipment to play with outside, we all really enjoy playing with it. Both primary 6-7 Learned about personification and write little paragraphs with personification. This week was primary 7 last week doing STEM with Emma Chittick. We made movies of our robots programmed to do what we like then edited them on computers.

by Yelena