Primary 1 learning blog

This week we have learned about Amazing 8, working as a team to make astronauts, we learned about ‘u’ and ‘l.’  We learned about Remembrance Day.  We watched a short video and then made poppy pictures.  We made posters to tell people about the importance of not bullying.  We also learned about the Sun.

We have enjoyed playing in the courtyard with the mud kitchen, water and bikes.  We make handprint aliens, space rockets and have really liked playing with the moon sand and the Playmobil space rocket.

Next week we will learn about number 9 and two more sounds.


The politicians come to Aith

P6 had a great time at bowling with John, Gene and Gordon. The teams are called Shooting stars, Carrots, Ninjago Ninjas, Fire, Gundrops and the Cupcakes. We all loved it. Special thanks to John, Jean and Gordon.

P7 had a lovely time at yoga while the P6s were at bowling.

On Monday we had a special visitor from parliament, Tavish Scott. We all asked him lots of questions. He invited us to come and visit him in the Parliament in Edinburgh when we go on our school trip.

By Willum and Charlie



Meeting Buddy the bear

“Buddy arrived In P3/4 in a golden box” ( Bobby)

“Buddy came from America and he wants to be a famous film star” (Fraser)

“We are working in groups and going to make our own movies about Buddy. Mrs Moffat very kindly gave us a basket full of clothes for Buddy” ( Bobby)

“Just now we are busy making props for our movies” ( Fraser)

We are so excited to make the movie.