task force

On Monday we get into new Task Force groups for this year. The whole school got into mixed age groups. First we got a piece of paper and wrote our names in the middle then in the top left was corner was we had to write what our favourite toy was. In the top right corner we had to write what our favourite place to go was. In the bottom left corner we had to write what our  favourite food was. In the bottom right corner was what clubs we go to. We wrote about this so we could get to know each other. Then we made a group tree. We each drew our hand and wrote our names on the hands and then we decorated them with glitter and gems or whatever design you wanted. After making our hand prints we glued the hand on a picture of a tree that we made and stuck the hand on the tree. Then we had to think of a name for our group. Everyone worked together really well. Written by Shaun Lochrie and Willum Leask, P7




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