This week we did science with Mr.Rose, this term we are doing water with him. We were saying that all living things need water, we also learned about the water cycle.

We also made clay birds in class. There is a whole range of birds from Eagles to Puffins, ducks skories and any other British sea birds
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This week we have learned the ‘n’ sound and all about Butterfly 3.  We have been listening to Roald Dahl’s story of the Enormous Crocodile and enjoyed a pop-up French story about Boucle D’or.


This week we have enjoyed doing Show and Tell, crafting, the morning walk, the playdough challenge, making words with our sounds and drawing with the chalk pens.


Next week we would like to learn how to count forwards and backwards, make some playdough and make it sparkly, learn about Feathery Four and learn some more sounds.