‘Diana’ Tait

On the 21st of March Aith Junior High Schools upper primary did a play at the walls hall. It was called The Voyage Of The Diana. I played the part of Christopher Tait and at the show I met Christopher Tait’s granddaughter, Rhoda Tulloch. She said she could remember her grandfather even though he died when she was 4. She said when he came home from the being on the Diana he couldn’t sit down because he was just a sack of skin and bones because he couldn’t sit down he had to sit on some sheeps wool. I live near where Christopher Tait lived.

By Sadie Anderson


Chinese Calligraphy

On Wednesday Wen Ting came in and taught us Chinese calligraphy.


                                                         First, she handed out magic paper and brushes. She showed us how to hold the brush. You had to hold the brush with your hand around into a fist and then put your thumb on the other side. Once we had done that, she showed us how to write yi (one), er (two), san (three), si (four) and wû (five.)

We had a lot of fun doing it. The weird thing was that when you wrote something, and then left it for a while, it would fade away. Wen Ting said you had to be quick when you were writing calligraphy. When I wrote calligraphy, I found that when I wrote calligraphy fast, it was very messy.

by Ishbel and Storm😎