Bonhoga Gallery Visit

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On Tuesday P6/7 and S3 went to Bonhoga Gallery and saw the Vivian Ross Smith exhibition. She focused on making her art wimg_3961ork about Shetland islands and the sea. We all really enjoyed the art work, it reminded me of Shetland and old corrugated iron and rubble or ruins. We also drew in charcoal stop motion animation with tracing paper, the exhibition we made a bit of was what things and people from the year 2317. By Finn and Eva



One thought on “Bonhoga Gallery Visit”

  1. Such an interesting exhibition, enhanced by gallery staff to help us really think about the exhibits and what they meant to us with some terrific ideas shared. I was also very impressed with the stop-motion animation workshop and look forward to seeing how they will be included in an exhibition open to the public later in the year.

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