Smoking kills

On Monday Jill Hood came in to tell us the effects of smoking. She gave us leaflets about some of the chemicals in cigarettes. she told us that methanol, one of the chemicals in cigarettes can cause blindness and death. She also told us that the average smokers get a lager jarful of tar in there lungs every year. She had brought in a set of pigs lungs to show us how they work. She had forgotten the pump that makes them expand so we got her anti-septic wipes so that she could blow into them and she blew lungs and they expanded and when she didn’t they went in again. The black lung was the smokers lungs. By Shona H

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Making shields for the Norwick Up Helly Aa

This year Primary 3 were asked to make the shields for Mr Spence’s Norwick Up Helly Aa galley. We had a great time creating our designs and then painting the shields. We even got a chance to use them today in our own school Up Helly Aa!

Primary 3 would like to say a big good luck to Mr Spence, and thank him for letting us play a part in his big day! 🙂

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Sow and Grow With The P6/7

image image image imageThis week in class on Monday we got a box containing seeds and paper cups to plant spinach, baby carrots, runner beans, peas and cress. We to choose which we wanted to grow. We got a set of instructions for each plant. We each got a cup which we filled with soil and set the seeds and if it needed to be topped of then we would but the cress did not need topped up. Now we check on them everyday to see if they need to be watered.

Now quite a few of the plants have sprouted but a few are yet to grow.

By Shona and Eva

P3 visit to Nesting UHA

On Friday the 10th of February, Primary 3 visited Nesting Primary school to see their Up Helly Aa day.  We had the chance to listen to the Jarl Squad sing their songs, and even got to try on their shields and helmets! After that we got to go outside to see the galley. We were even allowed to go for a ride in it! After all that Primary 3 had a chance to play in the school grounds. We all had lots of fun and Primary 3 voted it a 10/10 visit!

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The smuck experiment

Have you ever wanted to wear slippers (smucks as we say in Shetland dialect) to school?
Have you ever wanted to wear slippers (smucks as we say in Shetland dialect) to school? Following a report on Newsround which claimed Primary schools that allow pupils to wear slippers -or smucks- in class get better grades, Primary 4/5 decided to put the theory to the test.  We will be interested in the results of their experiment – with already the number of pupils keen to participate increasing!

Bonhoga Gallery Visit

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On Tuesday P6/7 and S3 went to Bonhoga Gallery and saw the Vivian Ross Smith exhibition. She focused on making her art wimg_3961ork about Shetland islands and the sea. We all really enjoyed the art work, it reminded me of Shetland and old corrugated iron and rubble or ruins. We also drew in charcoal stop motion animation with tracing paper, the exhibition we made a bit of was what things and people from the year 2317. By Finn and Eva



RSPB visit

This week we met Karen and she helped us look for birds and worms. The teams that we had were picked out of a bag. The Merlins made a poster of a robin. We studied soil from the mound which had lots of roots but no objects. It was called ‘silty loam’. There were 11 worms. Marley identified a Lumbrielais terrestris, the lob worm and 1 maggot.

By Amelie and Holly