Chinese Visitor

On Thursday    the 27th we had a visitor from China, Telling us all the interesting things you can do and places you can visit in China. She taut us some Chinese numbers and words for example,

1 = eeeeeeee

2 = ar!

3= ssuuuunn

She showed us some Scottish college students on a trip in China, this was very interesting. She also showed us a Chinese song written and performed by all famous singers in China. She will come back in future weeks to teach us more about China!        By Emma.D and Marissa



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Primary 6/7 gymnastic routine

We had 3 weeks to try and make a gymnastics routine with a partner or small group. There had to be a minimum of four moves and a maximum of eight. We had to include a teddy bear roll in our sequence. We suggested music to put our sequence too. We had a vote to see what song we should do our routine to. Lisa Johnsons ‘tears’ won. We did our sequence to that but it didn’t feel right so we went with the second most popular song ‘faded’ by Alan Walker and it was perfect!

Here is Emma.D, Holly and Emma.R’s performance! The one above is Peter and Finns!

This blog is by Emma.D and Scott