Ancient Greece – science

On Wednesday we made Archimedes screws out of plastic bottles, tubes and wire. First we had to get a bottle and some wire and plastic hoops. We put the hoops onto the bottle to hold the wire. Then we tied the pipe onto the bottle with the wire in a spiral. Then we put baking soda and vinegar into the bottle to make them expand and tougher. We took them outside and tried them out using basins of water. We found that the water always went to the lowest point and towards the top.

Then we set up mirrors in a semi-circle to reflect the sun onto a thermometer that told us how hot is was getting. It got hotter and colder as the clouds came and went. We had to keep adjusting the mirrors. The hottest we could get it was 39.5 degrees. The coldest was 12 degrees. by primary 6 & 7


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Primary 1 learn about halves and quarters

We made and decorated paper cakes.

We each decided whether we were going to cut our cake into half or quarter.

We know that each half or quarter needs to be exactly the same size.

We folded the paper to find the middle.

When we cut 1 whole into half, we end up with 2 bits.

When we cut 1 whole into quarters, we end up with 4 bits.



Scottish Opera Fever


On Wednesday the P5, P6 and P7s went down to the hall to practise their opera called Fever with Scottish Opera. Bairns from Nesting, Skeld, Happyhansel and Whiteness came too. There was a man called Roger that came up from Glasgow to help us with the opera. On the 6th of June his colleagues will come up and help us with the actual performance. Mums and dads can come too. By Joann and Asia



School Book Fair

Some of the many books available at our School Bookfair which runs from Monday 23rd May – Thursday 27th May.

If you would like to come and see the books for yourself  please phone the school on 01595 807400 to make an appointment with Jane.


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The 5 senses

Primary 2/3 have been learning about the 5 senses. The 5 senses are taste, hearing, sight, smell and touch.

” When we were doing our sense of taste we had dis peerie cotton buds and den we had to taste dem and they wir bitter, sweet, sour, salty. I liked the sweet taste the best” by Ashley.

“When we were learning about the sense of hearing we watched a play and it was folk fa south that came to the school to learn us about the sense of hearing. The girl Jazz was very funny”. By Geordie.

” when we were learning about the sense of smell, there was different smells inside cups. We had to smell the cups and quests what the smell was and write it down. One was orange and another was honey and strawberry shampoo and the other one was banana. There was also onion in it too. I enjoyed this activity” by Lorns.

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Maths problem solving

imageimageimageimageimageimagePrimary 2/3 have been working very hard to solve maths problems.

” We have been finding out different ways to make the number 14 and 16 using ladybirds” by Edyn

“We worked with a partner to see how many different ways we could make 24. Some examples are: 12+12=24, 20+4=24, 12×2=24. We found out lots and lots of different ways to make 24” by Carlene

“We had to use 2 numbers to find the largest even number, the largest odd number, the smallest odd number and the number closest to 50″ by Oliver

” Problem solving was fantastic, hard and good” 😄 By Edyn, Oliver and Carlene.

French animal booklet

imageimageimageimageimagePrimary 2/3 are learning how to say the animal names in French.

“We have been learning how to say the names of lots and lots of animals in French. In French the word for pig is le cochon”. By Josh

“We have been listening to different animal sounds and learning their names in French. In French the word for dog is le chien” by Isla

“We have been watching different clips about animals and as a class we made a little French animal booklet. In French the word for tiger is le tigre” by Liam