Kergord Trip

Last week on Monday the p7’s went to Kergord as part of the John Muir awards. We went with Pete Richardson. We played snake which is a game where you have to follow and do whatever the leader does. We built shelters out of fallen trees and branches. We played the best game in the world which is where someone stands in a spot and counts to twenty and looks around to see if they can see anyone that is hiding but they cat move , once they have found everyone they can see they turn around again and take off five seconds everyone has to move closer. At the end of the day we had to find our ways back to the minibus at the edge of the road on our own and we had to think about the best ten seconds of the day. We had a lot of fun and we really enjoyed it.      Written by Hannah and Iona

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One thought on “Kergord Trip”

  1. It looks like you had a brilliant time. I think a poem is in order. I will give you the first line
    ‘ Mr B, up a tree,’……

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