Sophie talks to P2/3 about India

Today Sophie came in to speak to Primary 2&3 about India.

image image imageshe said where she was going stay in India and the place was Goa.  Sophie told us how  to say go away in Indian. It was Naka Naka.   She told us about  the beach, it was big. It was called Ashvem beach. Anjuna  market was big, it looked busy.  In Goa most people  are poor. Water in India isn’t very clean. Some people have wells in their garden. Sophie will have to buy lots of water.  It will take 1 day to get to Goa. She will have to take 4 planes. It is very hot in India.

By Sophie, Ashley, Lorns and Geordie

Primary Toy Sale

Primary 1 held their toy sale today to raise money to help pay for their trip to Up Helly Aa next Tuesday.  We received donations of lovely toys, books and games and at 2.00pm there was a mad rush of buying and selling.  Nearly everything was sold.

Primary 1 helped count the money and we were delighted to discover that we had raised about £115!  This will help pay for the bus and possibly a snack for everybody.

Thank you to everyone who donated toys and to everyone who bought from the sale.

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The Solar System

This week primary 6/7 were building a display of the Solar System. It was in scale of the real sized planets.The scale we used was 1 centimeter to 1000 kilometers. Me and Shay had to do Uranus. It has a diameter of 52000km.  First we a got a giant chalk compass and measured a radius of 26 cm, and it had to have a diameter of 52 centimeters. We drew a giant chalk circle. Then we had to cut it out and add some pinkie silver coloured paper. It looked good when it was finished!

By Asia Manson    IMG_3042[1]IMG_3047[1] IMG_3041[1] IMG_3040[1] IMG_3051[1]

Star Wars coding

On Tuesday the 12th primary 6/7 did some Star Wars coding. Everybody thought it was great fun. Everybody liked the music and on some levels you got to make your own game and that was great fun. Next week we are going to try other people’s games. By Peter Nicolsonimage

Primary 2/3 start to term 3

Primary 2/3 have had a busy start to the term.

We have turned the house corner into an Indian restaurant and made a menu board to link in with our topic of India. We have been busy learning the colours in French. On Thursday we read our pen pal letters from Orkney school.

“I have loved playing in the Indian restaurant” by Edyn

“Learning the French colours was good” by Carlene

“I liked reading the pen pal letters” by Oliver

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First week back at Aith

This week was the first week back at school. We started walking around the school to get fitter. We are doing it every morning for fifteen minutes. Everyone in the primary was doing it . The primary 6 and 7 are doing a project on Space and Star Wars.

bye Asia and Joann