Mrs Bradley visits

On Wednesday the 9th of September Mrs Bradley came to dye wool with us. We looked at shetland wool and artificial wool and saw the difference. Some people got crepe paper, some people got food colouring and some people got onion dye. Mr Balfour boiled up some water and we put in the dye. We waited for a minute and put our wool in. Some people put vinegar in their water to take the dye out. The brown onion dye went an orange colour and the red onion dye went brown. We waited for about ten minutes until the dye got into the wool. Once it cooled down we washed it in cold water. Some peoples wool lost its dye, so they did it again with crepe paper. We found that the artificial wool doesn’t dye as well as the real wool. It was very interesting and we all had lots of fun! by Ewen and Sophie






3 thoughts on “Mrs Bradley visits”

  1. You all looked like you enjoyed your day with Mrs Bradley. Must have been very interesting seeing all the different ways to dye the wool.

  2. Science experiments are great fun. If you’re going into production I’ll have a red woolly cardigan please 🙂

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