Commonwealth Games Legacy

As part of the Commonwealth Games Legacy programme our school was paired with Brunei Darussalam and Jersey. Our pupils Peter, Holly, Yelena and Ishbel designed Fair Isle ganseys for four Shetland ponies, which we sent out to our partner countries. The boxes sent contained photos of our favourite sports, places, information about our school and also local events such as Up Helly Aa. Our cuddly mascots have now returned from their travels and brought with them a huge box of marvellous items from these countries. Have a look!

3 thoughts on “Commonwealth Games Legacy”

  1. What an amazing collection of souvenirs the ponies brought back! We really enjoyed the project too but were a bit worried that our pony had got lost on his travels but he arrived back safely last week also bringing mementoes of his travels!

    Ms Breyley, Burravoe School

  2. Hi, I made a Shetland gansey for a pony too and when we sent the pony to Brunei and Jersey we stuck pictures on our box too. I got the pony back not that long ago and we named the pony Peerie. What did you call your pony?.

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