Emergency First Aid Dates

Emergency First Aid training for First Aiders is available to book through Business World

T-1000003425 Health & Safety Emergency First Aid 16/10/2023 09:00 16:00
T-1000003426 Health & Safety Emergency First Aid 12/02/2024 09:00 16:00
T-1000003427 Health & Safety Emergency First Aid 19/02/2024 09:00 16:00
T-1000003428 Health & Safety Emergency First Aid 07/05/2024 09:00 16:00

STEP Q&A Reform Event

STEP (Scottish Teachers for Enhancing Practice) are delighted to offer this exciting and relevant opportunity for all educationists.

We are hosting a Q&A panel event entitled ‘What the Educational Reforms Mean for You’.  It will take place in Glasgow on Thursday 5th October 2023, with light refreshments from 6pm and discussion from 7pm until 9pm.

Panellists include Gillian Hamilton (interim Director of Education Scotland), David Cameron (presenter and adviser on Educational Services), Donna Stewart and Liz McGrath (from SQA).

This is a unique opportunity to keep abreast of the latest developments and find out from the policymakers what the reforms will mean in practice for the classroom teacher. Booking is through Eventbrite on the following link:https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/what-the-educational-reforms-mean-for-you-tickets-696642916717?aff=erelexpmlt

Coaching Opportunities

Coaching Opportunities – 2023/24

We have an introduction to coaching course starting on 20th April, which is an opportunity for you to start to develop skills and techniques in coaching. We also have a Coaching Refresher Masterclass for those who would like to update their skills and knowledge. Finally, we have a masterclass on Coaching for the PRD, which will be useful for reviewers.

All can be booked through Business World.