STEM Professional Learning Survey

Dear colleague

Help shape the future of STEM professional learning by completing our online survey. The survey should take 7 mins to complete and will close on Monday 18 Dec 2023.

Education Scotland is inviting practitioners across Scotland to complete our latest Annual STEM (sciences, technologies, engineering and mathematics) Professional Learning Survey. The information you provide will help to improve access to high-quality STEM professional learning across Scotland. This year’s survey is especially important as it will help us measure the overall impact of the STEM Strategy since it was launched in 2017. It will also inform the development of the next phase of national support for STEM, beyond the lifetime of the current strategy.

Who should complete this survey?

Separate surveys have been developed for specific sectors. You should only complete one of the surveys below.

Practitioners in early learning and childcare, primary, additional support needs, secondary (all subject areas, including those not normally associated with STEM) are invited to complete this survey:

School-based technical support staff are invited to complete this survey:

Community learning and development practitioners are invited to complete this survey:

Did you know?

  • The findings from all previous STEM surveys are available on Education Scotland’s National Improvement Hub:
  • Survey responses have shaped decisions about the £4.5 million of STEM grant funding that has been allocated by Education Scotland since 2018 – benefitting over 80,000 practitioners in ELC, schools and CLD sectors.
  • Education Scotland has shared the anonymised survey findings widely with many STEM providers (colleges, universities, science centres, STEM organisations) to help them plan and shape their professional learning offer to meet the needs of practitioners.

Please take a few minutes to complete the STEM survey. Your response will enable a wide range of STEM organisations get their professional learning offer right for you and your setting. The survey data will also support our efforts to make Scotland a leading #STEMnation.

Laura McCafferty

National Education Officer for Raising Aspirations in Science/STEM Education (RAiSE)



National Complex Needs Network (NCNN) community

National Complex Needs Network (NCNN) community

This national network is being extended yet further with a new NCN Practitioner Network (NCNPN).

So far – we have over 180 practitioners signed up from more than 24 different Local Authorities  including colleagues from the Independent and Grant aided sector.

If any classroom practitioner works with learners in the complex needs sector and would like to join up  – complete this short form so that we have contact details and we will be in touch soon.

Inclusion Wellbeing and Equalities (IWE) Professional Learning Framework

This is the news update from the Education Scotland Inclusion, Wellbeing & Equalities (IWE) team.

As IWE link for your area, please cascade / share this information as appropriate with our own local networks.

Inclusion Wellbeing and Equalities (IWE) Professional Learning Framework

Education Scotland’s new IWE Professional Learning Framework aims to support all educators who work with and support children and young people, primarily those working in education. The framework focusses on four interconnected and interdependent themes.

  • Inclusion
  • Rights and Equalities
  • Relationships
  • Wellbeing and Care.

The professional learning, offered through three levels (Informed, Skilled, and Enhanced), has been designed to support educators’ knowledge and practice. The levels will not necessarily reflect someone’s seniority but the nature of the role they hold in relation to their responsibilities and also reflect the level of support provided to children and young people.

The IWE team are planning information session in the new year for you and your colleagues to learn more about the framework and how it can be used to enhance skills and practice relating to IWE.

World Education Summit 2023 Feedback

SEIC have requested our support in evaluating the World Education Summit 2023 by completing this short feedback form:

World Education Summit 2023 Feedback 

Your WES 2023 Summit licence has been funded by the SEIC to support your professional learning and this valuable resource remains available to you until March 2024. To help you navigate the wealth of presentations and to gain the most from this, please use the SEIC WES Padlet to see suggested presentations on a range of topics.

Into Headship – Information Session

The Into Headship programme is for GTCS-registered teachers aspiring to the post of headteacher, who are likely to be successful within the next 2-3 years.

If you would like to find out more about the Into Headship programme we will be holding an online information session on 24 January at 4:30pm.

Why not come along and hear about the application process, find out more information about the course and hear from past participants. We will be joined by colleagues from SEIC Local Authorities, Education Scotland and Edinburgh University.

Please contact to receive the joining instructions.