Tag: Inclusion

Inclusion: Belonging In School Resource

Our colleague at Moray House from the LEANS project, Dr Alyssa Alcorn, has been conducting a research visit at Cambridge this summer with Professor Duncan Astle, working on a new, small-scale project called Belonging at School. This project builds on some 2022 stakeholder workshops and policy outputs, and has been developing guidance to assist schools in planning inclusive policies, with a focus on including neurodivergent pupils. The resource documents will be free and downloadable, starting in early September.

All are cordially invited to the online resource launch celebration on September 20th, at 18:00. The event is targeted towards education professionals, and people in academia and charity who are working with educators/schools. All welcome and all places are free, but you are asked to please register. More info about the Belonging at School resources is on the Eventbrite page, link below. Alyssa hopes that you might be able to join the launch celebration, and also share the event info with colleagues and students http://bitly.ws/RSKL

Even if you can’t make the event, please do join the mailing list to receive a notification about when the free resources are released. Just send a message to inclusive-education-subscribe@mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk