Into Headship and In Headship – Applications Now Open

Into Headship

This programme is for teachers with relevant leadership experience, aspiring to a headteacher post within the next 2-3 years.  Successful completion of the programme leads to the award of the Standard for Headship which has been a mandatory requirement for all newly appointed permanent headteachers in publicly funded schools in Scotland from August 2020.

Applicants should submit a completed form, and an endorsement form from their line manager. Application and endorsement forms should be returned to by ………………….

For entry on to this programme, the local authority will complete an interview process with applicants to confirm that they can demonstrate appropriate experience and professional learning in leadership, relevant to local context.

Application and endorsement forms will be available from the recruitment start dates at the following link:

In Headship

This programme is for headteachers within the early years of headship. For this cohort, we also invite applications from those in an acting headteacher post, which is expected to last for longer than the duration of the programme, and who already hold the Standard for Headship.

Completed application forms should be returned to by …………………. for endorsement.

Programme Funding

It is anticipated that funding to support the fees will continue for the 2023 cohort, however this is subject to the outcome of the budget bill process in Scottish Parliament and subsequently Scottish Ministers’ agreement.

Travelling expenses are not included as part of the funding.


Into Headship and MEd LL Information session

University of Edinburgh – Teacher Education Partnership

Into Headship and MEd LL Information session– 26th January 4.00-4.30pm

The University of Edinburgh and Education Scotland are holding an information session for teachers to find out more about the Masters in Educational Leadership & Learning. The session will be an opportunity to find out more about the PG Certificates; Into Headship and Growing Professional Learning.

Into Headship – PG Certificate: Into Headship (with Standard for Headship) | The University of Edinburgh

Contact to register and receive the link to the session