Category: Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination

The programme consists of two sessions, delivered online, on Thursdays 16th and 30th November 2023 from 4.30 – 6pm.

Colleagues will:

  • Gain an increased understanding of mental health stigma and discrimination.
  • Develop a greater awareness of the impact of mental health stigma and discrimination.
  • Gain an increased knowledge of approaches to reduce mental health stigma and discrimination across various settings.
  • Know what actions you can take in your school that address stigma and discrimination.
  • Gain a better understanding of where you can access resources to continue your development.
  • Be able to embed a focus on mental health stigma and discrimination when adopting the whole school approach in your school.

If you’re interested in taking part, please contactYvonne Wilson, ASN and Wellbeing Support Officer (schools)

HWB as the Responsibility of All

This two part professional learning opportunity will explore the HWB curriculum as the Responsibility of All and will highlight the necessary culture and ethos required to embed this approach. It will provide practical suggestions for implementing it within your own context. Staff from across all sectors are welcome to come along and find out more.

Please register for both events:

Session 1 :31.10.23

Session 2: 14.11.23

Click here to book a place

SEEMiS Training

SEEMiS has very good training materials on their website ( )   Those who have a Click & Go login will be able to access this by entering a ‘b’ in front of their user name and using their normal password.

For Wellbeing app help, go to Training > Videos > Wellbeing App.

For Pastoral Notes help, go to Training > Videos > Latest Pastoral Notes

And of course for Bullying & Equalities go to Training > Videos > Bullying & Equalities.

There are also a number of webinars coming up.   Once you have logged into the website click this link Training Webinars – SEEMiS Group LLP .  These are useful because they can be viewed at a time to suit the user.   They are also live, so questions can be asked.

You can also see Click & Go under Help Pages.