Author: Professional Learning

Online Coaching for Wellbeing for Education Practitioners

Provided by the Scottish Government and delivered by Know You More. (Education Practitioners includes all staff that work in schools, CLD and ELC in Scotland)

This online coaching programme has been designed to support you with any of the challenges you are facing right now and focussing on your wellbeing. We have heard you and understand that work and life are not separate, so we are offering this space to talk about personal as well as professional challenges.

Read more about this opportunity and sign up following the link below:

This is open to all education practitioners with 2 x 1hours of coaching and is also open to anyone who has already benefitted from this offer previously.

Yvonne Wilson

ASN and Wellbeing Support Officer (Schools) | Mental Health First Aider

STEM Education Scotland Events

We are delighted to invite teachers and practitioners to register for the series of face-to-face events for Science and STEM being organised by Education Scotland.

Register now! The events are FREE to attend.

 The events are targeted at practitioners from various sectors including primary, early learning and childcare, secondary and ASN._


Reimagining the BGE sciences curriculum (ELC, primary, secondary, ASN)


Target audience: These events are for practitioners from primary and also ELC, ASN and secondary sectors.

Purpose: Scotland will experience a STEM job revolution in the next few years as our nation transitions to Net Zero and seeks to excel in areas such as robotics, artificial intelligence, life sciences, space sector and advanced manufacturing, amongst others. How is our sciences curriculum, learning and teaching preparing learners (aged 3-15 years) for this exciting opportunity? How can innovative approaches and pedagogies, including interdisciplinary learning and project-based learning, prepare learners for an increasingly technical and rapidly changing world? These events will provide attendees with a valuable and stimulating opportunity to engage with practitioners from other sectors to look at the whole journey from a learner perspective to help reimagine the teaching of sciences within their settings, ASGs and clusters. If you like to connect with others, learn about new approaches and dream big then these events are for you!

Location: Aberdeen

Details: 0930 – 1500 on Thursday 25 January 2024 at the Park Inn Hotel by Radisson, Aberdeen AB11 6EQ



Location: Stirling

Details: 0930 – 1500 on Thursday 14 March 2024 – Stirling Highland Hotel, Stirling FK8 1DU. * Note: NEW Venue



 Unleashing Primary STEM Events Programme

 Target audience: Primary teachers looking for practical examples to implement STEM in their classroom and make connections across the curriculum. STEM novice or expert, it doesn’t matter, there’s something for all!

Purpose: You’ll recognise the moment when you unleash the power of STEM in the primary classroom. It could be the biggest Wow! moment a learner has ever experienced (like seeing a wee beastie super close up through a microscope) or the quizzical and curious looks when something unexplained has happened and learners are staring in disbelief and wonder. Your class may be literally buzzing and full of high excitement or uneasily quiet because learners are completely and utterly engrossed in their learning. Come and join us for a stimulating day of hands-on STEM learning, designed in as a direct response to requests from primary teachers across Scotland. Take away great ideas to use with your learners and make the most of the opportunity to connect with other teachers and partners who can help you unleash the power of STEM.

What to expect workshops and input

The following provides a flavour of some of the workshops and input running across the events. Note: the workshops on offer at each event will vary.

  • STEM through stories – making connections between STEM and literacy
  • STEM resources to help you plan great learning and teaching in STEM
  • Makedo with engineering – a world of possibilities
  • STEM on a budget
  • Putting the M in STEM – bringing numeracy and mathematics to life through STEM contexts
  • STEM goes digital
  • STEM in the GREAT Outdoors
  • Data literacy – See data in a creative new way


Location: Dundee 

Details: 0945 – 1500 on Wednesday 31 January, Contemporary Arts Centre, Dundee DD1 4EA


Location: Edinburgh

Details: 0945 – 1500 on Monday 26 February, Radisson Blu Hotel, Edinburgh


 Location: Glasgow

Details: 0945 – 1500 on Thursday 29 February, Mercure Hotel, Glasgow G1 1DQ * Note: NEW Venue



Location: Dumfries

Details: 0945 – 1500 on Friday 01 March, The Bridge, Dumfries DG2 9AW



Location: Moray

Details:  0945 – 1500 on Wednesday 13 March, Kinloss Primary, Moray IV36 3SX





Significant events for all sectors (Secondary, Primary, ELC and ASN)

 Making Scotland’s Future Engineering Careers Event for Practitioners

Target audience: All primary, secondary, ELC and CLD practitioners who want to prepare their learners for the rapidly changing world of work and innovative STEM career pathways

Details: 1545 to 1800 on Monday 22 January – Glasgow Science Centre, Glasgow G51 1EA

Purpose: Scotland’s economy is transforming rapidly in the coming years and there is an increasing and urgent demand for a skilled workforce to enable this transition to take place. Research shows that educators have a pivotal role to play in equipping learners with the skills for learning, life and work and promoting relevant pathways to learners, parents and carers. This professional learning event has been designed for Scotland’s educators to help them excite and inspire our children and young people about their future career opportunities.



STEM Nation EXPO event for learners and practitioners: Celebrating Success, Inspiring Innovation

Target audience: Practitioners and learners from primary, ELC, ASN, secondary and CLD sectors

Details: 1000 – 1400 on Wednesday 06 March, Glasgow City Chambers, Glasgow G2 1DU

Purpose: This event will be a showcase and celebration of STEM Learning in Scotland and is for both learners and practitioners. This is a fantastic opportunity for practitioners and young people to connect with award-winning STEM Nation schools, settings and groups and a host of dynamic partners that can support STEM learning in your settings. Find out about exciting and innovating practice in STEM. Learn about the support from a wide range of inspiring partner organisations, including Young STEM Leader programme and STEM Ambassadors, and take away loads of ideas and inspiration!





Assessment and moderation in BGE sciences – Secondary

Target audiences: Secondary science teachers

Details: 0930 – 1500 on Tuesday 23 January – The Studio, Glasgow G2 6AE



Raising attainment in BGE sciences – Secondary

Target audiences: Secondary science teachers

Details: 0930 – 1500 on Thursday 22 February 2024 – COSLA Conference Centre, Edinburgh EH12 5BH






Details about these events are available on our STEM blog: and also our national STEM events calendar:


We’re very much looking forward to connecting with practitioners and teachers across Scotland over the coming months. Please email us at if you have any questions.


Rewilding Education: how ecology can be a critical lens for system change

Rewilding education: how ecology can be a critical lens for system change

Tuesday 13th February 2024, 4.30-6pm

Microsoft Teams meeting

 Book here –

Ecology is the study of organisms and how they interact with the environment around them. In post-pandemic education, we are increasingly aware of the social and professional relationships between teachers, other colleagues, pupils, leaders, parents, and authorities. Not only these but the relationships between people and the ‘natural’ and constructed learning environments of home, school, community spaces, and the outdoors. ‘Rewilding’ is a conservation term but is now entering the language of business, referring to efforts to restore an ecosystem to a state where it can more naturally evolve, and where different species can co-exist.  

In this online session, we will explore the concepts and metaphors of ecology and discuss how an understanding of complex ecosystems can help us to better manage and steer change in our own education work.  

We will hear from the host speakers as they discuss their own interactions with these ideas, coupled with different images and graphics as food for thought. Participants will have the opportunity to complete voluntary interactive tasks, engage in Q&A, and share their own ideas. 

This event may be of interest to educational leaders or those involved in Learning for Sustainability in your local authorities.

World Education Summit – Feedback Reminder

With less than two months left to access the 2023 World Education Summit Resources before the site closes to make way for WES 2024, it’s time to pack in your professional learning. Do you have in-service days coming up or staff meetings? Could you use part the WES 2023 content available to inform your presentation or add to staff discussion?

Whether you are looking at develop your school practices to embed the UNCRC and develop Rights Respecting Schools (Goves & Thom  – Enabling Young People to be the Voice of Tomorrow Today), considering learning & teaching (Hattie – Visible Learning: The Sequel) or focussing on leadership (Harris – Leading Schools in a Time of Change: What matters most and why), then there’s something here for you. Go to the SEIC WES 2023 Padlet for more suggestions and the WES 2023 Summit Central to see the full listing.

SEIC World Education Summit – Top Picks

Made with Padlet

As you will know, as part of Education reform in Scotland, Regional Improvement Collaborative funding is to reduce over the coming year. As a result, the SEIC Board has agreed that much of the current SEIC work will be scaled back over the course of this session and within this I can confirm that the SEIC will not provide funding for colleagues to access WES 2024. To help us provide local authorities and schools with information as to the value of the WES 2023 licences, I would ask that you complete the following short survey to inform this process. The survey takes a very short time to complete but your feedback is highly valuable.

World Education Summit 2023 Feedback 


Borders Carers Centre – Big Hiccup Training

We are delighted to offer the return of our highly successful ‘Big Hiccup’ training.
An opportunity for Professionals to ‘walk in a carer’s shoes’ with this powerful, interactive and immersive training. Suitable for social workers, CCA’s, health or education workers. Covering your requirements and duties under the Carers Act, this training will ensure you are able to confidently support carers in your role.
This session will be run 3 times in 2024. You only need to attend one session
All dates here:
Please note the Carers Centre will be closed from 2pm on Friday 22nd December, and will re-open at 9am on Friday 5th January
If you require support during this time, please call Social Work 0300 100 1800 (option 1) or ‘out of hours’ on 01896 752111

Multiply: Training Opportunity for Practitioners

I’d like to alert you to an exciting training offer delivered by Workers’ Education Association (WEA), aimed at practitioners entitled Supporting Learners’ Numeracy. I have attached details of the learning topics which will be covered in this 10-week programme.

The programme covers some fantastic and relevant topics which you may find of huge benefit to yourself and your practice, such as Maths Anxiety and Growth Mindset to name a few.

The Supporting Learners’ Numeracy workshops each last about 2 hours and are delivered with a tutor via Teams or Zoom, starting in February 2024. These will be delivered over a 10-week period. It is not a requirement to attend all sessions, but instead you can ‘drop in’ to the sessions you prefer. All course teaching and learning materials and resources will be shared via Canvas.

Please complete this form to register your interest in the training and to highlight the date which would be most suitable for you to attend. Training is free of charge, as all costs are covered by Multiply.

For more info please contact