SEEMiS Training

SEEMiS has very good training materials on their website ( )   Those who have a Click & Go login will be able to access this by entering a ‘b’ in front of their user name and using their normal password.

For Wellbeing app help, go to Training > Videos > Wellbeing App.

For Pastoral Notes help, go to Training > Videos > Latest Pastoral Notes

And of course for Bullying & Equalities go to Training > Videos > Bullying & Equalities.

There are also a number of webinars coming up.   Once you have logged into the website click this link Training Webinars – SEEMiS Group LLP .  These are useful because they can be viewed at a time to suit the user.   They are also live, so questions can be asked.

You can also see Click & Go under Help Pages.


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