Safeguarding in Education Network – PL Opportunities

One Good Adult : information and launch of resource : Wednesday 11th September

One Good Adult: Information session | Events | Education Scotland

This session will provide an overview of the ‘One Good Adult’ resource created by the partners in the Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Joint Delivery Board for all people who work / volunteer with children and young people in Scotland across all sectors including education, Health, Social Work etc.

One Good Adult Job Description ( was written by children and young people. It sets out what children and young people need from the adults around them to optimise their mental health and wellbeing.


Keeping your cool in school : information session Wednesday 2nd October

Keeping Your Cool in School: information session | Events | Education Scotland

This session will provide an overview of the ‘Keeping Your Cool in School’ primary resource designed to support children in developing and maintaining positive relationships; becoming more confident in tackling challenging situations and enabling them to have a better understanding of their responsibilities in school and beyond.

Cool in School – A site about keeping your cool in school


Gender Based Violence : new guidance information session for practitioners Wednesday 18th September

This awareness raising event will provide practitioners with an overview of the new Preventing and responding to gender based violence: a whole school framework  and considerations for next steps relating to future professional learning that may be required to support its implementation.


**NEW** Safeguarding : Criminal Exploitation page on the website

Safeguarding: Criminal exploitation | Resources | Education Scotland : This resource aims to support the knowledge skills and understanding of criminal exploitation of the education workforce. Includes professional learning for educators as well as resources to support learning and teaching.

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