Scottish Mental Health First Aider Training


Places are now available on this training course for mental health first aiders.

This training is being delivered by Borders Care Voice and will take place over two days on Thursday 6th June and Monday 10th June from 9.30am-5pm at Council HQ in Newtown. You will need to attend both days.

Please book your place through the course catalogue on Business World.

Why take the course?

This course is designed for everyone. It is interesting and varied and most participants tell us that they enjoyed it very much.

Five good reasons to attend SMHFA:

  1. Most people don’t know what to do in a mental health crisis. Take the course and you will be one of the few who knows what to do and is confident about putting that knowledge into action.
  2. You will learn how to recognise when a person might need help and the best way to approach them.
  3. You could save a life by learning basic suicide intervention skills.
  4. You will learn what protects your own and other people’s mental health.
  5. You will learn new skills that are useful in every part of your life

Mental Health problems are not as frightening as most people think. When a person has a mental health problem what they need most is someone who can:

• listen calmly to their feelings and fears

• give some simple information

• tell them where to get appropriate help

It doesn’t sound too difficult does it?

This course is for everyone and participants use the skills they learn in all settings.

What will I learn on the course?

• How to apply the 5 steps of SMHFA

• How to respond if you believe someone is at risk of suicide.

• How to give immediate help until professional help is available.

• What to say and do in a crisis

• The importance of good listening skills

• Practice listening and responding

• Understanding recovery from mental health problems

• Understanding the connection between mental health problems and alcohol and drugs

• Understanding the connection between mental health problems and discrimination

• Some basic information about common mental health problems

• Self help information

What happens on a SMHFA course?

The course takes 12 hours and is run on two separate days. It is an interesting course that includes different activities, films, discussions and even some fun and laughter.

You will get a certificate of attendance and a colourful and interesting manual to take away with you at the end so that you can remind yourself of what you’ve learned.

The aims of SMHFA are:

• to preserve life

• to provide initial help

• to prevent the problem getting worse

• to promote recovery of good mental health

• to provide comfort

The course will give you the knowledge to apply these aims in a real life situation.


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