Recruitment to Into Headship Programme 2024 – 2025

Recruitment to Into Headship Programme 2024 – 2025

We are pleased to confirm that recruitment for the next cohort of the Into Headship programme will be open from Monday 29th January until Friday 8th March 2024.

Please note – we are aware that the Education Scotland website states 29 March as the closing date. This is the date that Local Authorities must confirm all successful applicants to Education Scotland and our recruitment process has to take place prior to this.

Into Headship

Into Headship is Scotland’s national programme for teachers with relevant leadership experience, who are aspiring to a headteacher post within the next 2-3 years.  The purpose of the Into Headship programme is to further develop the skills, knowledge and understanding, professional values, abilities and commitment for participants to move into headship with the confidence to lead a dynamic school community. Successful completion of the programme leads to the award of the Standard for Headship which is a mandatory requirement for all newly appointed permanent headteachers in publicly funded schools in Scotland.

The updated national guidance document will be made available within the coming weeks.

Application Process

Applicants should submit a completed form, and an endorsement form from their line manager to

For entry on to this programme, local authorities should complete an interview process with applicants to confirm that they can demonstrate appropriate experience and professional learning in leadership, relevant to local context.

Application and endorsement forms will be available from:

Programme Funding

It is anticipated that funding to support the fees will continue for the 2024 cohort, however this is subject to the outcome of the budget bill process in Scottish Parliament and subsequently Scottish Ministers’ agreement.

Travelling expenses are not included as part of the funding.

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