Bookbug Training

Applications for our next training term, January – March 2024 on our website are now open!!  They close on Monday 6 November, 12noon. As well as our usual Bookbug Session Leader (in person and online) and Bookbug for the Home online, there are now open dates for our new Bookbug for the Home blended training.

 We are returning to our previous method of a two week application window. Delegates have two weeks to complete their application, and complete one application which will cover all the dates they want to apply for.

Late applications will not be accepted.  Successful applicants will receive an offer to sign up via Eventbrite and have two weeks to accept.

All applicants will hear about the outcome of their application by Friday 8 December 2023. 

Note: If you are referring a staff member to training as a high priority, please ask them to write that clearly on their form in the ‘Indication of Need’ section. e.g. start with “Referred for training by NAME (Steering Group member) as a high priority”, and then continue to write their indication of need as normal. We have hundreds of applications to get through, so this will help us make sure we’re not missing anyone you’ve noted as a priority 🙂 

Online Refresher Training is also taking place:

Ready, Steady, Sing in-person refreshers taking place in Jan-Mar will be published at a later date.

There are still some spaces left for Ready, Steady, Sing in-person refreshers taking place this term – sign up on the website

Application format

The Applications for BBSL and BBFH now use Microsoft Forms. Applicants will get a confirmation email, but are also given the option to download their responses after submitting.

Please forward this onto your colleagues and if you have any questions, please email the Bookbug Training team on

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