Tag Archives: SAC

Consultation on the South Ayrshire Children’s Service Plan

a-south-ayrshire-councilSouth Ayrshire Council are keen to hear the views on what’s important for children and families to help us to develop South Ayrshire’s Children’s Service Plan. This will help support joint working to enable children in South Ayrshire to be safe, healthy, achieve, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included.

Services have been working together to identify what they see as the main priorities to focus on and we would like parents and carers to have their say by visiting https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CWNRQZ8

Please note the consultation will only take place between the 13th and 22nd February 2017.

To request the survey in another format contact the Council on 0300 123 0900

South Ayrshire – the best place to grow, learn and play.

The Scottish Government launched Scotland’s first Play Strategy in June 2013 which articulates the critical importance of play as well as an obligation to protect children’s ability to play.

South Ayrshire Council is seeking your views on:

*  Where children play
*  Outdoor Play
*  Who children play with
*  Play sessions available
*  How often children play

We welcome your comments on the above to help shape a Play Strategy for Early Learning and Childcare across South Ayrshire.

Please find below a parent/carers survey monkey questionnaire:


Closing date is the 19th December.