Category Archives: P5-7 ‘THE BIG CLASS’

Term 3 Holistic Assessment

Festivals and Celebrations

P5-7  are coming close to the end of this term’s learning theme of ‘Festivals and Celebrations’.  It’s a hive of activity now as they apply all the skills and knowledge they have learned to complete a holistic assessment.   We planned the assessment together and the pupils are all devising advertising campaigns to promote a music festival they have created.

Posters have been designed…

Radio jingles have been written…

TV ads have been scripted….

Props are being made  ready for filming!


Enjoy……..there are certainly a few jingles that will stick in my head!







Way to Go Winners

Nathan got a double whammy at celebrating success time this week.  He got a Homework Award for his effort and content and also bagged Dojo Champ.  Great job Nathan.

The whole of the big class also got recognition for their fabulous work in writing books for their reading buddies in the wee class.  All staff were super impressed with their efforts.


Well done to Tegwen, Oliver and Martha, who all received certificates at this weeks assembly.

The big class have been working on a music festival project and Tegwen’s group work and Oliver’s problem solving during this project we recognised.

Martha was the Big Class’ Dojo champ.

Congratulations to you all.


World Book Day 2018

A day is not enough….we need a week!

We are having a week of activities and Monday started with our Big Class and Wee Class reading buddies. 

The end of every day is teacher story time.  From children’s classics, such as Treasure Island, to modern favourites, like Harry Potter.

The big class are authors and illustrators!

We have loved receiving the ‘Reading in Unusual Places’ homework photos.



This Week’s High Flyers

Well done to all in the Big Class  whose successes and achievements were acknowledged at this week’s assembly.

Kieran has moved up a belt in Taekwondo and Christopher was this week’s Dojo Champ.

Christopher and Martha both received numeracy awards for being the challenge champs in division loopcards.

Nikkita and Matthew both received Achievement Awards for showing creativity in their Chinese New Year models.

Well done to you all.


新 年 好 Chinese New Year – 2018 – Year of the Dog

新 年 好

Xīnnián hǎo

Happy New Year – 2018 – Year of the Dog

As part of our Festivals and celebrations topic we investigated some of the traditions of Chinese New Year.  We discussed the similarities and differences to some of the celebrations we have in Scotland and with our families.

We enjoyed the story of Chinese New Year and why the celebrations include fire, loud noises and the colour red.