Category Archives: P5-7 ‘THE BIG CLASS’

What a Drama!!

The Primary 7s joined other small schools at Minishant Primary yesterday to take part in a Drama Workshop.  They all had great fun experimenting with different ways to use their voices to engage and inspire their younger reading buddies.  They are good to go with the Book Trust shared reading project now.  Well done P.7s.


We celebrated a wide variety of successes in this week’s assembly.

Kyle received an achievement award for his artwork.   Stephen got a certificate for super spelling last week and Matthew was rewarded for his excellent effort in preparing for our Christmas show.  Well done boys.

And the girls were also in fire this week with Cara winning an award for superb homework.  Lucy topped the class with practically perfect punctuation and Nikkita was given an achievement award for all her effort and enthusiasm in class.  Great job girls.

A double week of celebrations

We had no assembly last week because the P.7s were at Carrick.  As such this week we were really busy celebrating successes.

Martha and Kieran both got literacy awards.

Spectacular spooky writing
An out of this world presentation

Stephen got a numeracy award for his times tables work and Campbell’s homework last week was phenomenal.   Well done boys.

Oliver got a doubler this week when he won Dojo Champ and his achievements were recognised in swimming where he moved up a level.  Good job Oliver.

All the P.7s were recognised this week for the effort they have put in to getting our tuck shop up and running.  They have done a great job.