All posts by Mrs KIRKWOOD

P5/4 Term 4

This term we have been learning about the Royal Family and the King’s Coronation.  We baked cakes for a special coronation themed cake sale. This was part of our Make £5 Grow project. The children looked at costs of what we would need for our cake sale and we worked out selling prices to ensure we would make a profit. This combined with our previous sales at the Easter service means our total raised so far is over £100! The children will be involved in deciding how the money is spent.

In maths we have been doing lots of practical measuring activities.

Our Talk for Writing text this term is “Mr Big.”  We used our local area for ideas for our writing by going a walk up to Brunston, where we discovered an abandoned golf club (and an abandoned door!)

We are continuing our weekly outdoor learning sessions on Fridays. Children have been learning how to safely build fires, taking part in team activities, helping to clean up our village and there is lots of time to play and have fun (climbing trees is one of our favourite things to do!)

In PE we have been working on our athletics skills in preparation for sports day. The children are taking part in inter-house competitions including rounders, football, basketball, cross country running, javelin and long jump.

Niamh Bulfin, who is our educational psychologist, has been working with us this term on Positive Psychology lessons. We have been talking about what makes us happy, what we are good it and optimism.


P5/4 Term 3

This term has been a very busy one for Primary 5/4. We started our swimming sessions and have had lots of special events such as our Scottish Assembly, World Book Day, Red Nose Day and Science Week.

We started the term by learning about Scotland and Scots Language. We have now moved on to learning about our local area and castles. We completed lots of different activities during science week and we have been investigating with magnets.

In RME we have been learning about the story of Joseph and Easter. We will also be learning  about Ramadan.

In PE we have been using the apparatus to work on our gymnastics skills. We have some excellent gymnasts in our class!

Scott Morrow (maths development officer) has been working with us to learn more about using concrete materials and pictorials to help to solve problems in different ways.

We have teamed up with p7/6 to work on the project “Make £5 Grow.” Keep an eye out next term for our enterprise ideas!

P7 Trip

Primary 7 had a great day at Dean Park then The Garage for go-karting and bowling. This was a special treat for them as they have missed out on the usual end of year celebrations due to Covid restrictions. It was a very busy and very fun day!

P7 leavers’ Presentation

Today was our presentation for our primary 7 children. Parents joined us via a live zoom link. The children received their gifts and trophies and certificates were awarded.


The children have been working hard this term making their own “Gogglebox” themed movie. Here is the link to watch it:



Here is the link to see memories of our p7s through the years:


Here is the link to our trophy presentation:

P7/6 Home Learning

More activities for children to do at home and links for useful websites have been added to Microsoft Teams. Children can access the class teams page by logging on to Glow and going to the Office 365 Microsoft Teams app.  Children can also use this app to chat to each other and to ask their teacher any questions about the work they have to do.