This term we will be working hard on all our literacy skills. Looking at our reading, handwriting, and spelling. Getting ready to transition into our next year.
Our Talk for Writing text this term is ‘Is Plastic Fantastic’. We have been beginning to do some research into pollution and ways of reducing single use plastics. The class are going to be exploring new vocabulary to do with recycling. They will then be looking at writing an informative piece of writing.
In maths we have been working on building our confidence with our number work so far this term. Looking at different strategies for answering addition and subtraction calculations. We are going to be continuing this with multiplication and division. We will also be having a focus on problem solving and building up skills in this area.
Our topic for this term is ‘Inclusion in Society’. We have begun by looking at the definition of inclusion and how we are all different in our own ways, but we are all humans the same and deserve equal opportunities. We will go onto explore different ways people can be excluded and find strategies that we could do to stop this being the case.
In Science we have started learning all about the water cycle and will go onto explore water in its different forms.
Our PE days this term are a Monday and Tuesday, where we are going to be getting ready for sport day. We have also started looking at ball skills to begin our block of basketball.
All posts by SA12armours@glow
Parent Open Morning
Many thanks to our parents for attending our parent open morning.
Parent Open Morning
Thank you to our parents for joining in with our parent open morning today. Our next open morning will be on Thursday 22nd September from 10.45am until 11.45am. Following the session, we would like to invite you to join your child for lunch so that you can sample some of the food that we provide. All of the children receive a free lunch and adults are able to purchase a two course lunch on the day for £2.68.
P5,6 and 7 Outdoor Learning
Primary 5, 6 and 7 were learning to work as part of a team during outdoor learning with Caitlin from Active Schools. They took part in a scavenger hunt in the woods and finished off their afternoon with a game of rounders.
P1 and EYC Outdoor Learning
Primary one have been enjoying joining our EYC children for outdoor learning on a Tuesday afternoon. They have been planting in the school grounds and local community, creating obstacle courses and enjoying some free play outside.
Primary 3/2 have been working with Primary 1 to explore and investigate friction and gravity. They have been developing scientific skills such as planning a fair test, using questions and ideas to create an investigation and designing and carrying out scientific investigations. They made parachutes using different sized cupcake cases, explored friction with teddy zip line races and investigated gravity and friction by rolling balls of different sizes and shapes down the hill and observing how the size and shape of a ball had an impact on the speed at which it travelled.
P1 Archery
As part of the children’s Brave topic they made their own bows and arrows using coat hangers and then used real bows and arrows.
Talk For Writing Gingerbread Man Activities
P1 – For our talk for writing we were learning about the gingerbread man, we made gingerbread men biscuits, used role play to make our own endings to the story, and followed reading and writing instructions to make dancing gingerbread men.
Easter Activities
Our preschool pupils joined primary 1, 2 and 3 to take part in some Easter Activities. They created Easter chicks, made Easter nest cakes and designed Easter cards using oil pastels and water colour paints. Great fun was had by all!
Primary 1 and Nursery Outdoor Learning
Primary 1 have been joining the nursery for outdoor learning. They have been playing in the outdoor nursery area, planting flowers and today they had an Easter egg hunt.