P2/3 Daily Tasks Wednesday 10.06.20

Good morning everyone! Today we are going to start with prayers and then do some R.E. After you have a break, we will do some mental math and numeracy.  Finally after lunch, we will finish with some Handwriting, Free Play and P.E. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

School Prayer

L.I: we are learning to explore how the Holy Spirit helps us in our lives.

Think about times when it is easy to say yes, e.g. when you are offered sweets, when you are asked to a party. Think about times when it is difficult to say yes, e.g. when we have to go to bed, when you need to tidy your room. We often need to make choices and sometimes we do not know what to do and have to think about it very carefully.  The Holy Spirit can help us to make good choices every day and live like Jesus.


  • Look at the statements below and decide if it is a good choice

or  a bad choice

  • Good choices/Bad Choices Game
  1. Pick up litter.
  2. Tell someone in your family that you love them.
  3. Have a tantrum when you don’t get a new toy you want.
  4. Take a bar of chocolate that does not belong to you.
  5. Say thank you when someone gives you something.
  6. Don’t go to bed when you are asked.
  7. Play nicely with your younger brothers or sisters.
  8. Help to tidy up after your dinner.
  9. Hold a door open for someone.
  10. Shout at your brother or sister for making a mistake in a game.
  11. Watch television instead of doing your schoolwork.
  12. Hide your brother or sister’s favourite toy.


Mindfulness (10/15 mins)

Mental Maths – Write the next three numbers

20, 30, 40,

10, 20, 30,

50, 60, 70,


5, 10, 15,

20, 25, 30,

65, 70, 75,


Sumdog – 15/20 minutes

Or Topmarks Symmetry https://www.topmarks.co.uk/Search.aspx?q=symmetry


Mindfulness (10/15 mins)

Handwriting – Xx/Yy

Ask an adult to show you how to do each letter or watch the videos if there is no one to help you. 


Free Play – No Technology Allowed
