P2/3 Daily Tasks Tuesday 09.06.20

Good morning everyone! Today we are going to start with prayers and then do some mental math and numeracy. We will then move on to Literacy and after lunch, we will finish with some Health and Wellbeing. I hope you all have a wonderful day!

Prayers – School Prayer

Mental Maths – Counting

Counting in 3’s

Start from 0 and count to 12

Start from 15 and count to 21

Start from 30 and count to 45


Counting in 10’s

Start at 0 and count back to 40

Start at 60 and count back to 80

Start at 20 and count back to 100


Write the value of the tens

  1. 45
  2. 63
  3. 83

Write the value of the units

  1. 35
  2. 54
  3. 68

Listen to these numbers being read out and write them in number form

  1. Twenty-four
  2. Thirty-six
  3. Ninety-five
  4. Sixteen
  5. Forty-three
  6. Twenty-seven
  7. Eighty-one
  8. Sixty-two
  9. Elven
  10. Five


Mindfulness (10/15 mins)


Today I would like you to pick something from the literacy grid.


Mindfulness (10/15 mins)

Health and Wellbeing – Coping Toolbox

While we are not at school it is still important to focus on our health and wellbeing and talk about our emotions. For this activity I would like you and an adult to do this activity together. You are going to create your own separate toolboxes which will contain different things. It will be items that remind you of happy memories or things that make you feel better. It could be notes to remind yourself to take 10 deep breaths, a cuddly toy, photo, DVD/game, a note of your favourite song that you can play. Once you have collected your items, I would like you to talk about each one and why you have chosen it.

All you need is any form of container that you can decorate if you want to. Every time you start to feel sad, angry or worried you can look at the things that bring you joy in your Coping Toolbox.