Good morning everyone! Today we are going to start with prayers and then do some mental math and numeracy. We will then move on to music and after lunch, we will finish with some P.E. I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Prayers – School Prayer
Mental Maths – Counting
Counting in 2’s
Start from 8 and count to 30
Start from 54 and count to 80
Start from 72 and count to 88
Counting back in 2’s
Start at 26 and count back to 4
Start at 66 and count back to 40
Start at 84 and count back to 56
Shopping list
Today I would like you to write a shopping list of 5 things that you need to buy for your house. Ask an adult to help you as they will know what is needed. Then I would like you to use a supermarket website to research and find out how much each thing costs. As we can’t go shopping we just have to use our imagination for this today. Once you find out how much it costs. Try to write down the coins that you would need to make this amount. Don’t worry if you find this tricky, I am looking for you to challenge yourself.
Mindfulness (10/15 mins)
Music – From Miss P
Hello everyone.
How are you all? Hope you and your families are all keeping well and safe.
This week we are going to listen to an instrument we’ve heard before.
The ‘cello, from the string family. The next 2 clips are played by 2 Cellos.
You may recognise the second one from us playing this at school.
The First piece is called ‘Storm’, by a composer called Vivaldi. It was written hundreds and hundreds of years ago.
Music written then is called BAROQUE MUSIC.
This second clip is fun.. remember this?
The second thing we are going to do today is called body percussion.
You can all give this a go with your families.
The final thing we are doing today is rhythm, along to a song I’m
Sure you all know.
Do you all remember
Ta- crotchets – one beat
Te te – quavers – half a beat.
Rests -Sh!
I’d like you to clap along with this to the rhythm it points to. Once you have clapped the rhythm then you can make it harder by adding everything else.
Hope you all have fun
See you all soon.
Miss P.
Mindfulness (10/15 mins)