Category Archives: Primary 2E

Week Beginning 19th October

Hello everyone,

We hope you were able to enjoy the October break 🙂 Can you believe we are now starting Term 2.  The homework for this week is as follows…

In class, you will have learned the new spelling rule the short vowel.
For your spelling homework, we would like you to write the spelling rule and common words out three times. We would also like you to create a sentence of your own. Your sentence should include at least one or more of the spelling rule words. This should be returned by Friday for your teacher to mark.

Please copy the words below three times.

1. Set
2. Sun
3. Pat
4. Swim
5. She
6. were
7. like
8. him

Can you try to create a sentence which should include at least one spelling rule word. Here is an example.

I can see the sun is about to set.

If you would like to challenge yourself, why not think of some other words which follow the spelling rule or try to grow your words and think of root or shoot words. For example

Spelling rule words
short vowels

Roots and Shoots
set – setting, sets
Swim – swims, swimming

As we have now entered Term 2, we have created a new maths homework grid. You will be able to find all the resources you need for the maths homework in your class teams page, under the files sections.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child’s teacher 🙂

Christmas Card Template – 5.10.20


History of Christmas Trees - HISTORY

A template of your child’s Christmas card design has been sent home in their school bag today.

Ordering this year is ONLINE ONLY again and the instructions are printed on the template.

Please check the spelling of your child’s name and check the correct class is on the template. If there are any mistakes please amend before ordering.

The deadline for order is 25 OCTOBER 2020

Thank you

P2 Team

Christmas cards

Hello everyone!

Today, we received the order form with your child’s Christmas card template design on it.  The instructions for ordering are on the back. Please return them as soon as possible. The cut-off date is the 25th of October.

We hope you enjoy looking at your child’s design. The children worked very hard and had lots of fun creating their Christmas cards.

Miss Frew and Miss Gilbert.

Week Beginning 5th Oct

Hello everyone,

We hope you all had a lovely weekend. Just a reminder, parent appointment confirmation letters need to be returned by Tuesday of this week.

In class, you will have learned the new spelling rule “ar”.
For your spelling homework, we would like you to write the spelling rule and common words out three times. We would also like you to create a sentence of your own. Your sentence should include at least one or more of the spelling rule words. This should be returned by Friday for your teacher to mark.

Please copy the words below three times.

  1.  shark
  2. farm
  3. part
  4. start
  5. said
  6. about
  7. how
  8. there

Can you try to create a sentence which should include at least one spelling rule word. Here is an example.

The farm has a shark.

If you would like to challenge yourself, why not think of some other words which follow the spelling rule or try to grow your words and think of root or shoot words. For example

Spelling rule words

Roots and Shoots
star – stars, starry
Farm – farms, farming

Please continue to work on your maths homework grid. One activity a week should be completed.

We love seeing your work, therefore, we encourage you to take a picture and add it to the assignment. You can also add photos to your class notebook or use it to type up your homework.

W/B 28/09/20

Hello everyone,

In class, you will have learned the new spelling rule “qu”.
For your spelling homework, we would like you to write the spelling rule and common words out three times. We would also like you to create a sentence of your own. Your sentence should include at least one or more of the spelling rule words. This should be returned by Friday for your teacher to mark.

Please copy the words below three times.

  1.  quiz
  2. queen
  3. quick
  4. quiet
  5. one
  6. two
  7. four
  8. five

Can you try to create a sentence which should include at least one spelling rule word. Here is an example.

The queen did a quiz at one o’clock. .

We love seeing your work, therefore, we encourage you to take a picture and add it to the assignment. You can also add photos to your class notebook or use it to type up your homework.

W/B 28/09/20 Maths Homework

Maths Week Fun!
We have 2 special challenges for you to do as it is Maths Week.
Challenge 1  Maths at Work.
Interview an adult in your house and ask them how they use numeracy and maths for the job they do. This can be an oral task or you can record some of the answers.
Challenge 2 Numbers all Around Us.
We see numbers in the world all around us. We challenge you to go on a number hunt and see what numbers you can see. What does the number represent, e.g. a door number, a car number plate. You can takes pictures, create a poster or list what you find. We cannot wait to see what you find. Enjoy!

Homework w/b 21/9/20

Hello everyone,

We hope you had a great weekend. The details for this week’s homework are as follows:

Children will be shown the spelling rules in class as normal, however, they will not copy spelling into a jotter or homework diary. It will be posted onto the blog and in their Teams page as an assignment. Children can complete their homework in two ways:
1. Complete using teams notebook and assignments.
2. Can be completed using paper and take a photo. Submit/attach the photo to the assignment on teams.

Numeracy and maths
Children will have a numeracy and maths grid on their Teams page. The grid will be in the files section and attach to the assignment. Each week your child should complete one of the tasks for the Thursday of the same week. As with spelling you can evidence this in two ways.
1. Complete using your notebook on teams and submit the work to the assignment on teams.
2. Complete on paper (depending on the task) and take a photo. Submit/attach the photo to the assignment on teams.

Every Monday your child will be given a reading book. The reading book can stay at home until the Friday of the same week. The book must be back on Friday. On Friday the books will be stored and quarantined, this is in line with new COVID regulations. As a result, it is important books are returned on Friday. This week, books will be required back on Thursday (24th) due to Friday being a holiday. This will allow us to quarantine the books over the weekend.

P2 Homework below

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted
Spelling sound –  ‘ng’;

  1.  long
  2. sing
  3. cling
  4. bang
  5. said
  6. their
  7. use
  8. each
Spelling – words will be shared on the Primary 2 Blog, weekly.
1.  words to be written out three times, neatly.  Add as many of your shoot own words using the words given. Eg. Thin – thinner, thins, thinnest.2.  A sentence, using words from that week’s list. Eg. That was a long bang.
Friday of the same week.
Please encourage your child to use a capital letter and full stop in their sentence.
Monday Maths grid – 1 activity per week Thursday of the same week.
Monday Reading – new books given out. Thursday of the same week.

If you have any questions or are having trouble accessing any homework at home, please do not hesitate to ask us or get in touch.

Many thanks,

The Primary Two team

P2 Homework 14/9/20

Hello everyone,

We hope you had a great weekend. The details for this week’s homework are as follows:

Children will be shown the spelling rules in class as normal, however, they will not copy spelling into a jotter or homework diary. It will be posted onto the blog and in their Teams page as an assignment. Children can complete their homework in two ways:
1. Complete using teams notebook and assignments.
2. Can be completed using paper and take a photo. Submit/attach the photo to the assignment on teams.

Numeracy and maths
Children will have a numeracy and maths grid on their Teams page. The grid will be in the files section and attach to the assignment. Each week your child should complete one of the tasks for the Thursday of the same week. As with spelling you can evidence this in two ways.
1. Complete using your notebook on teams and submit the work to the assignment on teams.
2. Complete on paper (depending on the task) and take a photo. Submit/attach the photo to the assignment on teams.

Every Monday your child will be given a reading book. The reading book can stay at home until the Friday of the same week. The book must be back on Friday. On Friday the books will be stored and quarantined, this is in line with new COVID regulations. As a result, it is important books are returned on Friday.

P2 Homework below

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted
Spelling sound –  ‘th’;

  1.  thin
  2. three
  3. path
  4. cloth
  5. what
  6. when
  7. where
  8. your
Spelling – words will be shared on the Primary 2 Blog, weekly.
1.  words to be written out three times, neatly.  Add as many of your own words using the words given. Eg. Thin – thinner, thins, thinnest.2.  A sentence, using words from that week’s list. Eg. The path is thin.
Friday of the same week.
Please encourage your child to use a capital letter and full stop in their sentence.
Monday Maths grid – 1 activity per week Thursday of the same week.
Monday Reading – new books given out. Friday of the same week.

If you have any questions or are having trouble accessing any homework at home, please do not hesitate to ask us or get in touch.

Many thanks,

The Primary Two team

Week Beginning 7.9.20

Hello everyone,

We hope you had a lovely weekend. The details for this week’s homework are as follows:

Children will be shown the spelling rules in class as normal, however, they will not copy spelling into a jotter or homework diary. It will be posted onto the blog and in their Teams page as an assignment. Children can complete their homework in two ways:
1. Complete using teams notebook and assignments.
2. Can be completed using paper and take a photo. Submit/attach the photo to the assignment on teams.

Numeracy and maths
Children will have a numeracy and maths grid on their Teams page. The grid will be in the files section and attach to the assignment. Each week your child should complete one of the tasks for the Thursday of the same week. As with spelling you can evidence this in two ways.
1. Complete using your notebook on teams and submit the work to the assignment on teams.
2. Complete on paper (depending on the task) and take a photo. Submit/attach the photo to the assignment on teams.

Every Monday your child will be given a reading book. The reading book can stay at home until the Friday of the same week. The book must be back on Friday. On Friday the books will be stored and quarantined, this is in line with new COVID regulations. As a result, it is important books are returned on Friday.

P2 Homework below

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted
Spelling sound –  ‘ch’;

  1.  chat
  2.  chip
  3.  chop
  4.  march
  5.  they
  6.  be
  7.  are
  8.  this
Spelling – words will be shared on the Primary 2 Blog, weekly.
1.  words to be written out three times, neatly.  Add as many of your own words using the words given. Eg. Chop – chops, chopping, chopped, chopsticks

2.  A sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Friday of the same week.
Please encourage your child to use a capital letter and full stop in their sentence.
Monday Maths grid – 1 activity per week Thursday of the same week.
Monday Reading – new books given out. Friday of the same week.

If you have any questions or are having trouble accessing any homework at home, please do not hesitate to ask us or get in touch.

Many thanks,

The Primary Two team

Week Beginning 31st August

Hello everyone,

We hope you had a lovely weekend and have settled into the new school year. This year homework will be running slightly different.  Below is a quick outline of how the homework will run and next weeks spelling. There is a letter attached to this post with more details.

Children will be shown the spelling rules in class as normal, however, they will not copy spelling into a jotter or homework diary. It will be posted onto the blog and in their Teams page as an assignment. Children can complete their homework in two ways:
1. Complete using teams notebook and assignments.
2. Can be completed using paper and take a photo. Submit/attach the photo to the assignment on teams.

Numeracy and maths
Children will have a numeracy and maths grid on their Teams page. The grid will be in the files section and attach to the assignment. Each week your child should complete one of the tasks for the Thursday of the same week. As with spelling you can evidence this in two ways.
1. Complete using your notebook on teams and submit the work to the assignment on teams.
2. Complete on paper (depending on the task) and take a photo. Submit/attach the photo to the assignment on teams.

Every Monday your child will be given a reading book. The reading book can stay at home until the Friday of the same week. The book must be back on Friday. On Friday the books will be stored and quarantined, this is in line with new COVID regulations. As a result, it is important books are returned on Friday.

P2 Homework below

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted
Spelling sound –  ‘sh’;

  1.  fish
  2.  wish
  3.  rush
  4.  shop
  5.  you
  6.  was
  7.  that
  8.  he
Spelling – words will be shared on the Primary 2 Blog, weekly.
1.  words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add as many of your own words using the words given. Eg. Chop – chops, chopping, chopped, chopsticks2.  A sentence, using words from that week’s list.
Friday of the same week.
Please encourage your child to use a capital letter and full stop in their sentence.
Monday Maths grid – 1 activity per week Thursday of the same week.
Monday Reading – new books given out. Friday of the same week.

We are aware of how different this year’s homework is running. If you are unsure about anything or are having trouble accessing any homework at home, please do not hesitate to ask us or get in touch.

Many thanks,

The Primary Two team

P2 Homework Letter 20-21