Category Archives: Primary 2E

Week Beginning 11th May 2020

Hi P2,

We hope you had a lovely bank holiday weekend.  We want to say to all of you and your parents, you are doing a wonderful job and we are so proud of you and your attitude to this new learning. Here are a few wee reminders to help settle your minds as we come back from the holiday.

  • Just do whatever you can. We have set some of the work we would usually be doing on those days in school but please don’t feel you need to do it all. We understand that everyone has different circumstances and daily routines. We would be happy if you checked-in with us everyday.
  • We sometimes set different levels of tasks .e.g. mild, warm and hot. We always say to complete one of these, however if you want to keep yourself busy feel free to do more than one.
  • We will continue to have Team Meetings throughout the week.  If you can join us, that would be great. These meetings give everyone a short time to share their news/feelings and hear each other’s voices. I know we really enjoy them and hope you do too.
  • Uploading work: If you are having any problems uploading any work, remember you can always email them to us. Or just let us know on Teams that you have completed the work and we trust that you have!
  • Feedback for your work: We look at your work once it has been submitted/uploaded and give you feedback. Please read the feedback to check for your strengths and next steps.
  • Technical Difficulties: Sometimes documents, powerpoints and weblinks do not work when you try them on your device. Please let us know and we will try to advise you. The sound on some links doesn’t seem to work when it opens in Internet Explorer so another web browser (Chrome) would be better.
  • Chill-Out Zone: Please remember to chat with your friends here. We are loving all of the creative and funny things you are doing in this zone. Please remember not to post personal photos or videos in this area. GIFs and emojis only.


The spelling sound this week is “nk”

Your words are

  • blink
  • think
  • thank
  • drink

Your common words this week are

  • than
  • that
  • with

Finally, keep trying your best and we will continue to be happy teachers.

Spelling w/b 4/5/20

Hello everyone,

We hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Like last week,  four activities will be posted on teams each day for you to complete. This week is only Monday and Tuesday, so don’t worry about what you get done.  Please remember that you do not have to complete these for a certain time,  just when you can.  If you are online can you please comment your child’s name on the teams chat. This allows us to take a register and keep track of who has been online.

This week our new spelling rule is ‘al’.

Your spelling words this week are:

  • talk, walk, small, tall

For common words we have created some shoot words from these:

  • talking, walking, smaller, taller

Your child’s teacher will post about our weekly Teams chat, scheduled for each Monday afternoon this week.  Please check your child’s team chat to find out their classes time.

As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Have a great week!

P2 team.

P2 Spelling Words W.B. 27/04/20

Hello everyone,

We hope you all had a lovely weekend.

Like last week,  four activities will be posted on teams each day for you to complete.  Please remember that you do not have to complete these for a certain time,  just when you can.  If you are online can you please comment your child’s name on the teams chat. This allows us to take a register and keep track of who has been online.

This week our new spelling rule is ‘oy’.

Your spelling words this week are:

  • joy, annoy, destroy, loyal

For common words we have picked some th words:

  • there, their, these, those.

Your child’s teacher will post about our weekly Teams chat, scheduled for each Monday afternoon and Friday afternoon.  Please check your child’s team chat to find out their classes time.

As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Have a great week!

P2 team.

Bishopton Pedal 2020

Today should have been the start of the Big Pedal walking/cycling/scooting national competition that we all enjoy so much each year.

This year we’re turning it into the Bishopton Pedal.

As part of your daily exercise, we would like you to try to cycle, scoot or walk every day for the next 2 weeks.  Please make sure that bikes and scooters are safe for you to use and that you wear helmets on your bike just as you would if you were at school. If you do not have access to a safe place to cycle, scoot or walk please just carry on with all the other daily fitness ideas provided by your teachers.

Remember all your family are welcome to join in too.

Be safe and have fun.


The Use of Microsoft Teams

Hi everyone! Just a quick reminder on how to use teams and what the day will look like:

Every morning your teacher will post a ‘Good Morning’ post. This is essentially a post to register you all, just like we would do in school. Can you please try and reply to this post at some point during the day. If you do not we have to mark you absent.

Can you please make sure you only reply to the posts the teacher makes and do not create your own posts. It clogs up the news feed and important messages get lost. Please do not post gifs in the class teams page. The chill out zone is always available for you to chat with your friends. This will be monitored by teachers.

Each day, you will be set a maths, literacy, health and wellbeing and another task. Sometimes, this will be in the form of an assignment or a post on the class teams page. If this is a post on teams, please submit your work by replying to that post. If you complete work in your notebook, can you please let us know so we can give feedback. You can do this by replying to our good morning post. We love to see your work, but it would help us greatly if you could only post this in 1 place – either news feed (if you are replying to a post), in notebook or in the assignment itself.

Remember to do what you can, the assignments are set for the week so don’t worry about completing them all in the one day. Also, learning can take place in lots of different ways such as through play, games with family, outdoor learning, household chores etc.

As always, we are available throughout the day should you need help with anything. Please do not hesitate to ask. Please do not worry about any technical issues, we are in this together!

Thank you.

The Primary 2 teachers

Report feedback

Hello all,

I hope you had a love Easter break and were able to make the most of the wonderful weather. At the end of the term, we sent you your child’s report via email. If you did not receive your child’s report could you please let me know.

If you have received your child’s report, could you please fill in the feedback form. This would be most helpful and greatly appreciated. The link is below.

Pupil Reports and Feedback Form



P2 W.B 20/4/20

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely, restful Easter break and were able to enjoy some of the sunshine.

Continuing on from before the break,  four activities will be posted on Teams each day for you to complete.  Please remember that you do not have to complete these for a certain time,  just when you can.  If you are online can you please comment your child’s name or a ‘hello’ on the morning ‘check-in’ post in your child’s class on Teams. This allows us to take a register and keep track of who has been online.

This week our new spelling rule is ‘oi’

Your spelling words this week are:  boil, join, point, spoil

For common words we have picked: the, they, them, then (as revision)

Your child’s class teacher will make a post about using Teams to host a video call for the class. This allows your child to speak to their teacher and classmates. Each class has a scheduled time for their Teams meeting, this will usually take place in the form of a ‘check-in’ on the Monday and ‘check-out’ on the Friday. Please check your child’s team chat to find out their classes time.

As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Have a great week!

P2 team.

P2 W.B 30th March

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Like last week,  four activities will be posted on teams each day for you to complete.  Please remember that you do not have to complete these for a certain time,  just when you can.  If you are online can you please comment your child’s name on the teams chat. This allows us to take a register and keep track of who has been online.

This week our new spelling rule is ‘or’

Your spelling words this week are:  sort, storm, form, short

For common words we have picked some magic e words with blends: plane, store, slime, prune.

Your child’s teacher has posted about using Zoom on your teams chat. This allows your child to speak to their teacher and classmates. Each class has a scheduled time for their zoom meeting. Please check your child’s team chat to find out their classes time.

As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Have a great week!

P2 team.

Microsoft Teams

Dear Primary 2,


Well done for a fantastic first day of home learning. We are all extremely proud of how well you have all been coping with this new change. Teams is a fantastic resource, however, because it is so good, most schools in Scotland are using it. When there is a high volume of people working on Teams it can slow the system down. Documents might not load properly, worksheets or powerpoints. It may even be difficult for you to upload your work for your teachers to see. When this happens, please do not worry. Just take a wee break and come back to it. Or start a new task.

A few wee helpful tips and reminders to make this process easier

  • You can click onto your notebook for each area (Literacy, Numeracy and Maths, IDL, Homework, Health and Well-being) and carry out work there, rather than trying to upload your work.
  • When you have completed work, could you please post on your class’ teams page to let your teacher know where to find your work to mark.
  • On the assignment page you can also click that you have seen the task or completed it. This is another way to notify teachers, once again though, please let us know where you have either uploaded your work or completed your work.
  • We have made the deadlines for each task for the Friday of the same week. This was just to ease the pressure from trying to complete all the tasks and upload them all in the one day. When you complete a task, and if you can upload evidence of work, please do. You do not need to wait until Friday.

A little extra note, there is a maths grid which has been uploaded to our teams’ page. This is your maths homework. You only need to complete one of these throughout the week. There will be numeracy and maths tasks/assignments posted every day. These should be completed every day. Literacy homework will be put into Monday’s literacy task.

As always we appreciate your cooperation,

Primary Two Teaching Team.

P2 Homework w.b. 23/03/20

Hello everyone,

We hope you had a lovely weekend.

We know that as we move into the next couple of weeks and the new term, that things will be slightly different. However P2 teachers will endeavour to keep things as normal and consistent for the children as possible.

Glow teams reminders:

  • Please check daily for your child’s work under the ‘assignments’ tab. Not all assignments will require you to post something, but we would love some photographs or examples of work if possible.
  • You child has access to their very own ‘Class notebook’ on glow teams, which is essentially like their very own little jotter. They have been split into different subject areas (literacy, numeracy, health & wellbeing, IDL and homework)  to help them to organise their work. This is available for children to evidence what they have been doing, making etc
  • As much as we can no longer provide your child with a physical reading book at the moment, we do please ask that we continue to read with your child each day.
Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted
Monday– Spelling Sound –  ‘ow’ for the ‘ou’ sound

  1.  howl
  2.  crowd
  3.  growl
  4.  frown
  5.  time
  6.  chime
  7.  cube
  8.  flute
Spelling – words will be shared on the Primary 2 Blog, weekly and on the ‘assignments’ tab in Microsoft teams.

1.        words to be written out twice, neatly.  This can be in your child’s spelling homework jotter or o n their ‘class notebook’ on Microsoft Teams.   Add as many of your own words using the words given. Eg. Chop – chops, chopping, chopped, chopsticks

2.  Two sentences, using words from that week’s list.


Friday of the same week. Please encourage your child to use a capital letter and full stop in their sentence.
Monday Maths grid – 1 activity per week Friday of the same week.

As always, if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Many thanks,

The Primary Two team