All posts by Miss Cauley

Week Beg 30/10/17

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Please see below for homework, news and class updates.


Spelling  – This week our sound is ‘ff’ as in stiff and cliff.  There will be 4 ff words and 4 common words to learn.

Reading – Reading books will be issued today. Please if you are able, continue to discuss what happens at the beginning, middle and end of the story.

Wordwalls continue to be heard. If you child does not have a word wall in their bag it is likely it is being revised and will be issued shortly.

Maths homework this week will be looking at odd and even numbers to 20. This is to tie in with our current topic of subtraction.


We absolutely love our new Stickman topic and last week we collected sticks to make our very own Stickman! This week we will create outfits for him/her and continue to read through the book.  We will also be looking at the beginning, middle and end of stories as part of our reading work.  I am very impressed with the children’s enthusiasm and look forward to sharing their thoughts and ideas with you.

Pupils have been bringing in Julia Donaldson books for the last week or so and it is wonderful! I will endeavour to read a story as often as possible and will also offer the children the opportunity to read to the class if they feel comfortable enough to do so.

Although it is cold the weather remains reasonably dry and this term we hope to get outside as much as we can! I would be grateful if pupils could bring in a pair of wellies or older shoes (that are okay to get dirty) for class to use as and when is needed.   These can be taken home each week if necessary for weekend activities.

Thank you for your continued support – it is appreciated.

Enjoy the week ahead!

Miss Cauley

W/B 23rd October – Welcome Back!

Good evening everyone – welcome back! I hope you, your family and your friends have enjoyed a wonderful October holiday.

Homework and news is below:


Spelling – This week we will be looking at short vowel sounds; homework will be issued on Tuesday.  We will go over the vowels and practise some words that have the short vowel sound (words that use the letter sound rather than letter name)  For example cat, let, bit, lot, cut.  The words will be quite straightforward this week but the children should also be able to name the vowels by the end of the week.

Reading – reading books have been issued today. Please read a little each night.  This term we will be focusing on how to construct sentences and also on sequencing. Both of these things can be included in any book discussions at home.

Wordwalls continue to be checked during class and will be changed over the coming weeks. Children are working hard to try and include common words within their writing.

Maths – In class we will continue to focus on place value. Homework this week is to trace and copy the wording for the numbers 11 – 20. This will be issued on Tuesday and will not be collected until Friday.


As it is a new term the children will have new base seats in class. We participate in a lot of group work and this allows pupils the opportunity to socialise and work with a variety of their peers.

Rather than show and tell, this term we will have check in at the beginning of the week. This allows children the opportunity to share their news by means of discussion and description. We completed our first check in today and I was very impressed by the level of respect shown by the children to their peers.

We will also be starting our new Stickman topic this week.  We will be completing lots of literacy work around this story and also looking at other Julia Donaldson stories.  The children can bring in any books they own written by this author – please remember to label your books so I can ensure they return to the correct home at the end of the topic.

Thank you for your continued support and have a lovely week!

Miss Cauley

Wk Beg 26.9.17

Good afternoon,

I hope you have had a wonderful September weekend! Please find below some information for the week ahead.


Our spelling sound this week is ‘qu’ as in quit and quack. Children will stick their spelling words into their homework jotters and should try and use the ‘look, say, cover, write, check’ method when spelling their words.

As this week is another short week, children will not be issued with a new reading book. Instead, they should read for pleasure – this can be from a book, magazine, children’s newspaper or any other form of printed media.  If possible, please spend some time discussing the story/article with your child. I really enjoy hearing about what the children are reading in their spare time and the children also enjoy sharing recommendations with friends.

This week in class we will revisit our ‘Chunky Monkey’ and ‘Slide the Snake’ strategies before moving on to ‘Sharp Eye’.

Read and Munch will continue on Friday.


Children will be issued with a number tracing sheet this week. If possible, please complete two lines of numbers per night. This can be done in pen/pencil/coloured pencil.

Below is a link to a game children have been enjoying as part of maths lessons:

This will help to reinforce the number bonds to 10 and addition within 10.


We can’t wait for our trip to Amazonia on October 5th! We need a few parent helpers to come along – if you are interested and available to help  please fill in the sheet issued last week and pop it into your child’s book bag.

Thank you very much for your continued support – if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me or pop a note into your child’s diary.

See you all tomorrow boys and girls!

Miss Cauley




Wk Beg 18.09.17

Good afternoon! I hope you are enjoying your weekend and soaking up some of the sunshine. Please find below homework news and class updates.


This week our spelling sound is ‘ng’. Children have been giving some fantastic examples of words that include our focus sound during class time. It’s certainly making our creative writing juices flow!

Your child will be issued with a reading book this week. Please read a little with them each night if possible.

Last week children were given a set of flashcards with our class reading animals on them. This is to remind them of how to work out a word if they are a little unsure. We focus on one animal a week in class – this week we will discuss how to ‘Slide the Snake’ in our reading books.

Due to the shorter week there will be no Maths homework, but if possible please practise the number bonds to 10 a little each night with your child. We have recently started our Primary 2 ‘Learn It’ calculations and I have been very impressed with the pupils’ enthusiasm.

We will still enjoy ERIC time (Tuesday) and read and munch (Friday).


Last week we had a fantastic visit to the Co-op where the children enjoyed exploring the aisles and identifying prices of items up to £1. Thank you very much to our three parent helpers that came along, and to all of our parents and guardians that supported the visit. Your continued support is valued and appreciated.

The children have had a great week in class and it is wonderful to both see and experience their enthusiasm for maths. We have been focusing on pattern and on Friday we created patterns of varying complexity on paper before re-creating them as fruit kebabs!

We made a kebab for ourselves as well as some for our read and munch partners in P6G – fabulous photos coming soon!

Please enjoy the week ahead and don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Miss Cauley

Wk Beg 11.09.17

Good evening, I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.  Please find below homework news and class updates.


This week is Maths week and as such there will be no reading or spelling homework.  We will still enjoy ERIC time (Tuesday) and read and munch (Friday). Children have enjoyed sharing a variety of stories with myself and Primary 6G.  Please note pupils can bring along comics, magazines, or children’s newspapers to read in class as well as books.

Children will be issued with their word walls this week and focus words will be highlighted. We would like your child to practise reading and recognising these words.  They may do more than the words highlighted if they wish.

In class we will be revising our first 3 sounds – sh, th and ch – as well as the spellings of our common words.  This can also be done at home.  Here is a link to the game the children have been playing in class to learn their sounds.

Pupils will be issued with a maths bingo sheet on Monday for homework and can complete as many tasks as they wish.  Sumdog is proving very popular in Primary 2C and all children should now have their usernames and passwords in their homework diaries. Please let me know if your child does not have their details and I will provide a copy for you.


This week is Maths week and the children will be involved in lots of fun maths activities.   On Thursday 14th September we plan to walk to the coop.  The pupils are allowed to bring £1 to spend if they wish.  We will also be recording some prices and working with a partner to note down different items and prices in the shop.  We are looking for 2 adult helpers to join us if possible.  We will be going between 9:30 and 10:30.  If you think you can help please pop a note in the bag or diary on Monday night and I will get back to you as soon as possible with arrangements. Thank you in advance.

Pupils were given a brown envelope on Thursday containing letters. Please ensure these are returned as one of them is the local walking permission that we need for Thursday.  Please don’t hesitate to contact me if there are any problems.

We have had a fantastic week in class and I was very impressed with the rainshakers that pupils made on Friday. We had a great time shaking along to the beat of the Amazon rainforest song and the bright colours certainly helped make up for the gruesome outdoor weather!

Thank you for your continued support and enjoy the week ahead.

Miss Cauley

Week Beg 04.09.17

Good evening,

I hope you have all had a nice weekend and enjoyed a little of the sunshine. Please see below for homework details and class updates.

This week our spelling sound is th.  Our 4 common words and 4 th words will be inside the homework jotters.  The spelling instructions are stuck into the front cover of the jotters.

Your child will be issued with a reading book this week. Please read a little each night with them if possible.

Last week P2C paired up with P6G for our Friday ‘Read and Munch’ session. Children thoroughly enjoyed spending time with Primary 6 and it was a pleasure to see them chatting about stories with their elder peers.

Several pupils have now brought in books to share with the class and it has been lovely to hear about their favourite tales. We will continue to have ERIC time on a Tuesday.

Your child will receive their Sumdog login this week. This pass code will be stuck to the inside cover of your child’s diary.

Other news

Show and tell has been a roaring success in P2C! A huge well done to all the boys and girls for standing up with confidence and enthusiasm to share their news and achievements. Show and tell will be an ongoing feature this term – I look forward to hearing more about their hobbies and adventures.

Our rainforest topic is now well under way. Last week we learned about deforestation and endangered animals, with children contributing passionately to discussions about the subject. We worked in our topic groups to create images of some of the creatures that are endangered and learned to work co-operatively.

The children will be making rainshakers in one of the lessons. If possible, could children please bring in an empty, clean plastic bottle. Thank you to those pupils who have already brought one in.

Thank you for your continued support. We are looking forward to a fun-filled week ahead. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Miss Cauley

Week Beginning 28.08.17

I hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Homework was handed out in book bags yesterday. Our sound this week is ‘ch’ and spelling homework/instructions have been stuck into homework jotters. Please remind your child to bring their book bags into school everyday. If any letters are handed out I will ask the children to put it in their book bags. If you have any notes for myself or the school they are best put into book bags too. Thanks!

I am in the process of completing reading records for each child in the class, to ensure they are starting their reading at the correct level. In the meantime, this week I will also allow the children to take a book home to read for pleasure. If you can, please read a little with your child each night. I am also creating word walls for each child, so that they have specific words to focus on in school and at home. Each wall will be tailored to each child.

Last week we started our rainforest topic.  We got into our topic groups and created a poster and a team name.  It was great fun.  The children will be making rainshakers in one of the lessons. P2B will have their lesson this Friday.  If possible we would like the children to bring in an empty, clean plastic bottle for this lesson.  Any size is fine.   Thank you in advance.

Have a pleasant week.

Miss Bachell/Mr Collins

WK Beg 28.08.17

Good evening,

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Please see below for homework details and class updates.

This week our spelling sound is ch.  Our 4 common words and 4 ch words will be inside the homework jotters.  The spelling instructions are stuck into the front cover of the jotters.

Reading running records are being completed this week with your child to set the right reading level.  This is where we give your child an unseen text to pitch the correct reading level for each child.   Your child has chosen a ‘take-home’ book to read this week as this is taking place.  Please read a little each night with your child if possible.

Children regularly use the class library and discuss their favourite books with friends. On Tuesdays we will have ERIC time in class. Children can bring in a book from home to enjoy at this time.

Other news

Last week we started our rainforest topic.  We got into our topic groups and created a poster and a team name.  It was great fun.  The children will be making rainshakers in one of the lessons.  If possible we would like the children to bring in an empty, clean plastic bottle for this lesson.  Any size is fine.   Thank you in advance.

Have a fantastic week and please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Miss Cauley