Week Beg 04.09.17

Good evening,

I hope you have all had a nice weekend and enjoyed a little of the sunshine. Please see below for homework details and class updates.

This week our spelling sound is th.  Our 4 common words and 4 th words will be inside the homework jotters.  The spelling instructions are stuck into the front cover of the jotters.

Your child will be issued with a reading book this week. Please read a little each night with them if possible.

Last week P2C paired up with P6G for our Friday ‘Read and Munch’ session. Children thoroughly enjoyed spending time with Primary 6 and it was a pleasure to see them chatting about stories with their elder peers.

Several pupils have now brought in books to share with the class and it has been lovely to hear about their favourite tales. We will continue to have ERIC time on a Tuesday.

Your child will receive their Sumdog login this week. This pass code will be stuck to the inside cover of your child’s diary.

Other news

Show and tell has been a roaring success in P2C! A huge well done to all the boys and girls for standing up with confidence and enthusiasm to share their news and achievements. Show and tell will be an ongoing feature this term – I look forward to hearing more about their hobbies and adventures.

Our rainforest topic is now well under way. Last week we learned about deforestation and endangered animals, with children contributing passionately to discussions about the subject. We worked in our topic groups to create images of some of the creatures that are endangered and learned to work co-operatively.

The children will be making rainshakers in one of the lessons. If possible, could children please bring in an empty, clean plastic bottle. Thank you to those pupils who have already brought one in.

Thank you for your continued support. We are looking forward to a fun-filled week ahead. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Miss Cauley