P2R wk beg 04/09/17

Good evening, I hope you all had a great weekend.  News and homework for P2R as follows:

Spelling  – This week our spelling sound is th as in thin and moth.  Instructions for spelling homework can be found in the front cover of the spelling jotter.

Reading – Reading books should be read throughout the week.  If possible ask your child questions about the book to ensure understanding as well as fluency.

Wordwalls – (W/W) – These should be looked at each night if possible.

Maths – This week our Maths homework will be looking at number formation.  This will be given out on Wednesday.


This week we continued out Rainforest topic.  On Friday we created our rainforest in the classroom.  The children worked together in their groups to create the plants that we find in the rainforest.  It looks fabulous.  Pictures to follow.  Plants included the Venus fly trap, the Rafflesia (smelly plant) and the Bromeliade.

On Tuesday morning P2 will be watching a theatre production in school as a reward for improving in the Summer reading challenge.  This is in our P.E slot however I will try to fit in extra exercise and our daily mile that day to ensure our fitness levels continue to improve.

Sumdog passwords will be stuck in the homework diaries this week so look out for these so children can log on and start practising their maths skills at home.

I am continuing to work with the children and their reading running records this week.  Wordwalls have also been checked and the next set of words highlighted for practise this week.

We are in the process of booking a Rainforest trip to Amazonia.  Dates and details will be out as soon as possible.


Thank you as always for your support.

Mrs Fulton/Mrs MacKenzie