All posts by gw07fultonrachel01@glow

P5R and P2K STEM challenge

On Tuesday, as part of STEM week we worked with our friends in Primary 5.  Our challenge was to build something tall that could stand alone.  We used our Engineering habits of mind to complete this challenge.  We were resilient, curious, reflective and collaborated well with our team.  We designed, made, then tested our creations.

Here are our pictures:


Wk beg 25.06.18

Good evening, I hope you have all had a great weekend.  News for this week:

There will be no formal check ins for the children this week.  We will have read and munch time on Monday morning.

Mini Talent show

On Monday p2 will have their own mini talent show where the children can perform in front of their own year group.  This is just for fun and to give the children who were maybe too shy to perform in front of the school,  an opportunity to showcase a talent.  They can bring an outfit if needed.  This was discussed with the children on Thursday last week.  I can’t wait to see their performances.  They don’t have to perform if they don’t want to.


Please send in a plastic bag for the children’s school work.  They will bring their work home on Monday.

Last day

On Wednesday we finish school at 1pm.  Children who have requested a school lunch that day will receive their lunch before they go home.  Children can bring in a toy to play with on Wednesday.  No electronics please.

New class

All of the children received a letter to tell them their new teacher on Thursday.  They had a chance to meet and get to know their teacher on Friday afternoon.

Lastly I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for a great year.  It has been a pleasure to get to know and teach your children this year.  Thank you all for your support and I hope you all have a wonderful summer.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs Mackenzie

P2R wk beg 18.06.18

Good evening, I hope you all had a great weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Reading – new reading books out this week.  Running records will be continuing to be carried out this week for reading levels for Primary 3.

Spelling – please look at the first 100 words that the children were given last week.  The highlighted words were ones the children found tricky.

Animal factfile homework – We will be hearing these presentations on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this week.

Assembly words – keep practising these for Wednesday.


Our Primary 2 assembly is on Wednesday 20th June this week.  It starts at 11am.  A letter went out on Friday to say that pupils should wear summer clothes for the assembly on Wednesday.  This can be shorts and t- shirts/ summer dresses etc.  These clothes should be brought into school on Wednesday morning in a plastic bag marked with your child’s name.  The children will change into these clothes before the assembly and change back into their uniforms after the assembly has taken place.  We can’t wait to perform for you all.

The children’s learning journey evidence app has been emailed home.   Please check to make sure you received it.  If not pop a note in the diary with your current email and I will send this to you as soon as possible.  I hope you enjoy looking at all of the work from this half of the school year.

This week we will be evaluating our targets from our booklets.  These will be sent back home for you to see.

This week the children will start to bring home their work.  If possible, children should bring in a plastic bag for this work.  Thank you in advance.

Falcons have an own clothes day on Friday 22nd June for having the most house points.

Have a great week and thank you for all of your support.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie

P2R wk beg 11.06.18

Good evening, I hope you all had a great weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling – This week our new sound is oy as in toy and boy.

The children will also receive their spelling lists of common words.  The words that are highlighted in orange are the ones that they struggled a little with in our big common word spelling quiz.  These can be practised at home to give them a good grounding for primary 3.  Some of the spelling grid acitivites can be used to practise these.

Reading – New reading books will be given out this week.   I will continue to complete running records with the children this week and next week to get a final reading level for going into Primary 3.

Wordwalls will be checked this week on Thursday 14th June.

Maths – This week will be the planned quick addition I didn’t get out last week for homework.


We had such a lovely trip to Calderglen Country Park last week.  The children behaved exceptionally well and joined in with all of the days activities well.  They were a credit to Bishopton Primary.  Well done.  Pictures will go up this week on the blog.

On Tuesday 12th June, Primary 2 are hosting an Africa day for the pupils in school.  P2R will be organising the African cafe for the children.  They will also have an opportunity to try some sustainable games made from recycled materials and try some of the fruits.  This is to help raise funds for Miss Cauleys trip to Africa and a donation is welcome if possible on the day.

The end of term summer assembly will be on Wednesday 20th June and tickets were given out last week.  The children will be perfoming some songs for you and will be telling you some of the things we have been learning this year.  They will get their words home tomorrow which they should learn as quickly as possible.  Thank you for your support with this.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie


P2R wk beg 04.06.18

Good evening.  I hope you all had a great weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling – our sound this week is oi as in oil and boil.  Over the last week or so, we have been completing a spelling quiz looking at our first 100 common/ tricky words.  Towards the end of the week your child will receive a paper with words highlighted that your child found tricky.   This can be used for extra practise of these words before Primary 3.

Reading – core reading books continue.

Wordwalls – our last set of wordwalls will go home on Monday.  These will be checked on Thursday 14th June.

Maths –  this week we will focus on quick mental maths addition.

This week your child will receive an animal  factfile polypocket to complete as a homework task.  These will be presented to the class week beginning 18th June.


We have our school trip on Tuesday 5th June.  Children should wear their red polo shirt and comfortable clothing and shoes.  Please apply sunscreen if it is warm that day as we will be outside.  Packed lunches should be in a plastic bag unless you have requested a school packed lunch.   Children will leave for the trip at 9:30 and will return to school before the end of the school day.

Thank you for all of your support as always.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie

P2R wk beg 28.05.18

Good evening, I hope you all enjoyed the holiday weekend sunshine.  Homework and news for this week as follows:


Spelling – Spelling activities continue this week.  We are also completing spelling quizzes in class looking at the first 100 common words.  Over the next couple of weeks you will receive a highlighted list of words for your child to practise before the end of term.

Reading – We will be giving out our core readers this week.  I will continue to complete running records this week and next week to assess current reading levels.

Maths – This week will be number bond practise.  The children can use this link to the Hit the Button game:


Sports day

Sports day will take place on Wednesday 30th May this week.  Pupils should wear their house colours to school.  Parents are invited to watch our traditional races down at the ROF field.  Primary 2 will be on the ROF field between 11 and 12 o clock.  The weather is forcast to be a lovely day so please ensure your child has sunscreen applied in the morning and a sun hat etc if needed.

School Trip

Our school trip to Calderglen Country Park will be next Tuesday 5th June.  If your child requires a school packed lunch for this trip, please let me know by Friday this week if possible.

It was a pleasure to meet with you all to discuss your children’s progress  last week.  Thank you for attending and as always thank you for all of your support this year.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie