P2R wk beg 11.06.18

Good evening, I hope you all had a great weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling – This week our new sound is oy as in toy and boy.

The children will also receive their spelling lists of common words.  The words that are highlighted in orange are the ones that they struggled a little with in our big common word spelling quiz.  These can be practised at home to give them a good grounding for primary 3.  Some of the spelling grid acitivites can be used to practise these.

Reading – New reading books will be given out this week.   I will continue to complete running records with the children this week and next week to get a final reading level for going into Primary 3.

Wordwalls will be checked this week on Thursday 14th June.

Maths – This week will be the planned quick addition I didn’t get out last week for homework.


We had such a lovely trip to Calderglen Country Park last week.  The children behaved exceptionally well and joined in with all of the days activities well.  They were a credit to Bishopton Primary.  Well done.  Pictures will go up this week on the blog.

On Tuesday 12th June, Primary 2 are hosting an Africa day for the pupils in school.  P2R will be organising the African cafe for the children.  They will also have an opportunity to try some sustainable games made from recycled materials and try some of the fruits.  This is to help raise funds for Miss Cauleys trip to Africa and a donation is welcome if possible on the day.

The end of term summer assembly will be on Wednesday 20th June and tickets were given out last week.  The children will be perfoming some songs for you and will be telling you some of the things we have been learning this year.  They will get their words home tomorrow which they should learn as quickly as possible.  Thank you for your support with this.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie