Week Beg 11.06.18


I hope you have all had a wonderful weekend and have enjoyed some relaxation time. Please see below for class news and updates:


This week our sound is ‘nk’ as in think, drink and wink. Children have been creating some super new spelling words with their sounds in class. Please remember to practise common words, too. We are beginning to come across these more and more in our reading books.


New reading books will be issued this week.


We will be discussing the timing of events and activities in class this week. Instead of issuing a homework sheet regarding this, I will place a list of ideas below that you and your child can use to discuss the concept of time:

*Stand up when you think 5/10/30/60 seconds have passed – which are longer/shorter

*Set the timer on your tablet/watch/phone and measure how many minutes or seconds your favourite programme is on TV for. Does it have a break?

*How many star jumps/skips can you do in a minute?  Could you do more or less in 30 seconds?


Class Assembly: Our class assembly is on Wednesday 20th June from 11am – 12noon. All children have been given their tickets. Please pop a note in the diary or let me know if there are any issues regarding this. Your child will receive their words in their book bag tomorrow. Please practise these as best you can – I’m sure the children will use their best storytelling voices 🙂

Africa Day: Primary 2 have been working very hard over the last week to design their own games made from sustainable materials – most of which I will have access to in Uganda. Thank you to all those who handed in jars, cardboard and anything else – they have been gratefully received! We will host the rest of the school on Tuesday 12th June as they try out our games in an attempt to win prizes!

If you would like to have a go on a game other than your own please remember to bring your donation.

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support regarding this – I have been blown away by the children’s efforts in class and the donations that continue to come in.

Have a great week ahead and as always, thank you.

Miss Cauley