Week Beginning 4th June

Good morning,


Spelling: Our sounds this week are oy & oi (boy, oil). Remember to keep going over common words from the list handed out during parent’s night.

Maths: This week, the children can play this computer game to practice their mental agility. They can choose their topic and level. https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button

Reading: Reading books will be handed out as normal this week. I loved seeing the books the children brought in last week.

Fact Files: The class will be given a fact file piece of homework this week too. The format is something we do in class every week, so they will be familiar with it, and the children will be presenting their fact files from the 18th June.


We have our school trip on Tuesday 5th June.  Children should wear their red polo shirt and comfortable clothing and shoes.  Please apply sunscreen if it is warm that day as we will be outside.  Packed lunches should be in a plastic bag unless you have requested a school packed lunch.   Children will leave for the trip at 9:30 and will return to school before the end of the school day.

Thanks for your continued support. Have a great week!

Miss B