Wk Beg 18.09.17

Good afternoon! I hope you are enjoying your weekend and soaking up some of the sunshine. Please find below homework news and class updates.


This week our spelling sound is ‘ng’. Children have been giving some fantastic examples of words that include our focus sound during class time. It’s certainly making our creative writing juices flow!

Your child will be issued with a reading book this week. Please read a little with them each night if possible.

Last week children were given a set of flashcards with our class reading animals on them. This is to remind them of how to work out a word if they are a little unsure. We focus on one animal a week in class – this week we will discuss how to ‘Slide the Snake’ in our reading books.

Due to the shorter week there will be no Maths homework, but if possible please practise the number bonds to 10 a little each night with your child. We have recently started our Primary 2 ‘Learn It’ calculations and I have been very impressed with the pupils’ enthusiasm.

We will still enjoy ERIC time (Tuesday) and read and munch (Friday).


Last week we had a fantastic visit to the Co-op where the children enjoyed exploring the aisles and identifying prices of items up to £1. Thank you very much to our three parent helpers that came along, and to all of our parents and guardians that supported the visit. Your continued support is valued and appreciated.

The children have had a great week in class and it is wonderful to both see and experience their enthusiasm for maths. We have been focusing on pattern and on Friday we created patterns of varying complexity on paper before re-creating them as fruit kebabs!

We made a kebab for ourselves as well as some for our read and munch partners in P6G – fabulous photos coming soon!

Please enjoy the week ahead and don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions.

Miss Cauley