Maths Week Scotland – Thank You and Feedback

Wow, what an amazing week we have had! Every pupil has experienced a wide range of exciting and challenging activities to highlight the importance and relevance of maths and numeracy. We have thought about how, where and why we use maths in our everyday lives and had fun taking part in our Maths Day on Tuesday.

The pupils thoroughly enjoyed their visit to the local Co-op and showed a great enthusiasm for their homework tasks. Thank you to those of you who sent in and/or tweeted photos of the children using maths and numeracy at home. Pupils were playing Sumdog, interviewing parents, pointing out clocks, weighing and baking!

We think that the first ever Maths Week Scotland has been a huge success and would like to hear your feedback. Please leave a comment below or write a note to tell us what you think about how we did. Tell us what you and your children enjoyed and what we could do better next year.

When we look at the key messages of Maths Week Scotland, I think we definitely ticked all of the boxes:

  • Maths skills, understanding and confidence are important for everyone.
  • Everyone can ‘do’ maths; it’s a way of learning and thinking that we all use and can develop.
  • Maths ‘is everywhere’ and relevant to day-to-day life and work – decision making, problem solving, budgeting, planning, assessing probability and risk, and many more.
  • Being confident about and enjoying maths is about commitment and learning. It’s not ‘a gift’; it’s something we can all acquire if we want to.

Thank you and we look forward to hearing your feedback.

Kind regards,

Miss McDowall

#MathsWeekScotlandRenfrewshire #MathsWeekScotland #MakingMathsCount