P2R wk beg 18/09/17

I hope you all had a great weekend and enjoyed some of the sunshine.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling – This week our sound is ng as in sing and wing.  We will have our spelling quiz on Thursday as we are off school on Friday.

Reading – Reading books will be issued on Monday.  Please read a little each night and ask your child some questions as you are reading to ensure they understand the text and are not just reading the words.  A slip has been stuck into the homework diary to let you know which reading colour band your child is currently working on.

Wordwalls – Your child will be issued with their new wordwall if required this week.

Maths – This week we will continue our number formation work.  Numbers 11 – 20 will be issued on Wednesday.


We had a great week last week and the children really enjoyed their trip to the coop.  Great Maths tasks were completed and we have displayed many pictures and items in the class for discussion.

This week is a 4 day week with children off on Friday 22nd and Monday 25th September.

Have a great week.  Thank you as always for your support.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie