Wk Beg 26.9.17

Good afternoon,

I hope you have had a wonderful September weekend! Please find below some information for the week ahead.


Our spelling sound this week is ‘qu’ as in quit and quack. Children will stick their spelling words into their homework jotters and should try and use the ‘look, say, cover, write, check’ method when spelling their words.

As this week is another short week, children will not be issued with a new reading book. Instead, they should read for pleasure – this can be from a book, magazine, children’s newspaper or any other form of printed media.  If possible, please spend some time discussing the story/article with your child. I really enjoy hearing about what the children are reading in their spare time and the children also enjoy sharing recommendations with friends.

This week in class we will revisit our ‘Chunky Monkey’ and ‘Slide the Snake’ strategies before moving on to ‘Sharp Eye’.

Read and Munch will continue on Friday.


Children will be issued with a number tracing sheet this week. If possible, please complete two lines of numbers per night. This can be done in pen/pencil/coloured pencil.

Below is a link to a game children have been enjoying as part of maths lessons:


This will help to reinforce the number bonds to 10 and addition within 10.


We can’t wait for our trip to Amazonia on October 5th! We need a few parent helpers to come along – if you are interested and available to help  please fill in the sheet issued last week and pop it into your child’s book bag.

Thank you very much for your continued support – if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me or pop a note into your child’s diary.

See you all tomorrow boys and girls!

Miss Cauley